Ted Cruz announces... wait, im still laughing...! LOL


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
He does not. He only needs to purchase insurance. Doesn't matter wether it's through COBRA, the exchange, or on his own. His choice to purchase on the exchange and accept any subsidy is exactly that, his CHOICE.
He clearly said he will accept no subsidy, he said it in English. What dont you get?


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
And he wants to repeal, the IRS I like that, but in the meantime its the law, so he will still pay his taxes. Havent been here in a while, seems its the same close minded group as before.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately, any and every choice that will be presented to the voters is this:

THE MONEY CHOICE: (we spent the most money, you vote, doesn't matter, you lose).

The single most unfortunate attack on Liberty and Freedom was the Supreme Court ruling concerning Citizens United.

As long as SUPER BIG MONEY finances, influences, runs, and ultimately decides our elections, then this country is LOST.

No doubt, go vote for $$$$, that will change the country.



Funny how you call it waffling.

I call it trying to make the best decision for his family.
It is waffling when you first state that you have to purchase insurance on the exchange because it's the law. Then one day later say you haven't decided if you're going to purchase COBRA, through the exchange, or outside the exchange. I thought it was the law.:confused:


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
It is waffling when you first state that you have to purchase insurance on the exchange because it's the law. Then one day later say you haven't decided if you're going to purchase COBRA, through the exchange, or outside the exchange. I thought it was the law.:confused:
That's not what he said.

He said he was looking at purchasing insurance through the exchange but he was still looking at his options.

Why do you libs always twist what people say?


That's not what he said.

He said he was looking at purchasing insurance through the exchange but he was still looking at his options.

Why do you libs always twist what people say?
So he didn't mean what he said? Oh, you teacons are so funny.;)
Hypocrite Sen. Ted Cruz Joins Obamacare While Condemning It:


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Let us recap:

1. Shut down the Federal Government because he wanted to repeal Obamacare.
2. Recently signed up for Obamacare because he's running for POTUS and wifey's coverage ceases because she's taking a leave of absence to help him campaign.
3. Protests the DREAM Act, even though he's a "DREAMER" himself.
4. Runs away from those actually affected by Immigration Reform. Got it.Ted if your afraid of those girls how are you going to handle a real threat? Will you run from ISIS and Putin? Look at him squirm at the 17sec....What a COWARD..YEAH,COWARD

Calgary Ted is not ready for PRIME TIME.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Let us recap:

1. Shut down the Federal Government because he wanted to repeal Obamacare.
2. Recently signed up for Obamacare because he's running for POTUS and wifey's coverage ceases because she's taking a leave of absence to help him campaign.
3. Protests the DREAM Act, even though he's a "DREAMER" himself.
4. Runs away from those actually affected by Immigration Reform. Got it.Ted if your afraid of those girls how are you going to handle a real threat? Will you run from ISIS and Putin? Look at him squirm at the 17sec....What a COWARD..YEAH,COWARD

Calgary Ted is not ready for PRIME TIME.
Making up more lies why your at it?

Not yet signed up on Obamacare.

Maybe not ever.

Posts the issues like they are, not the way you want them to be.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
Making up more lies why your at it?

Not yet signed up on Obamacare.

Maybe not ever.

Posts the issues like they are, not the way you want them to be.
This is what happens when politicians are confronted for their insane policies by the people they affect; HE literally got owned by schoolgirls.I think this guy being in the spotlight is terrific.He talks a good game to the base, The teacons that reside here at BC, but when confronted with his presumed adversary he's suddenly shy and retiring. He's no cowboy, just a coward. But what does it say about someone who has to rehearse kissing his own wife?


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
This is what happens when politicians are confronted for their insane policies by the people they affect; HE literally got owned by schoolgirls.I think this guy being in the spotlight is terrific.He talks a good game to the base, The teacons that reside here at BC, but when confronted with his presumed adversary he's suddenly shy and retiring. He's no cowboy, just a coward. But what does it say about someone who has to rehearse kissing his own wife?
In your ever so slanted opinion.

In other people, rational people's opinion, he did fine.


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Let us recap:

1. Shut down the Federal Government because he wanted to repeal Obamacare.
2. Recently signed up for Obamacare because he's running for POTUS and wifey's coverage ceases because she's taking a leave of absence to help him campaign.
3. Protests the DREAM Act, even though he's a "DREAMER" himself.
4. Runs away from those actually affected by Immigration Reform. Got it.Ted if your afraid of those girls how are you going to handle a real threat? Will you run from ISIS and Putin? Look at him squirm at the 17sec....What a COWARD..YEAH,COWARD

Calgary Ted is not ready for PRIME TIME.
What a hack piece.

Whoever made this is full of hate.

Telling Sen. Cruz that the Republicans are attacking families.

And ImWaitingForTheDay uses this hatred to attack Sen. Cruz.

And by schoolgirls, did you mean College Women?


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
What a hack piece.

Whoever made this is full of hate.

Telling Sen. Cruz that the Republicans are attacking families.

And ImWaitingForTheDay uses this hatred to attack Sen. Cruz.

And by schoolgirls, did you mean College Women?
The sheer level of realbrown 1 disconnection from reality is fascinating and terrifying at the same time. YOU are so lazy and uninformed that YOU are willing to let others tell them what to think.You know that you spout BS...that's why you get so worked up and NEVER confront the issue when corrected.