The Immigration Issue


Locked Out

tieguy said:
Interesting irony. The liberal tends to speak out against labeling as they label anyone that disagrees with them.

You couldn't dispute the point that Santa Anna was a terrorist who came across the mexican border and terrorized american settlers therefore you chose to resort to name calling as a last desperate defense.

Checkmate...Seal the border.
It seems as though locking my account is the best way to silence dissent. I doubt that this will be posted, but what the hey...

Tie, your cry to 'seal the border' confirms my observation that you are xenophobic. There is no point in disputing your ridiculous claim of Antonio López de Santa Anna being a terrorist. That would be akin to saying Abraham Lincoln was a terrorist. Texas was a part of Mexico in 1836. I stand by my claim of ‘ignorance’ on your part. Ignorance means you are uninformed. I think the same could be said about your understanding of the Mexican immigration issue. Seal the border, then talk about it, is not a solution. Do you favor amnesty? Do you favor a ‘guest worker’ program? Do you think families should be broken up?

Tyrone Slothrop

Locked Out

I found this post on another site regarding wkmac's link:

IvyMike 7 points 4 hours ago

Surprise? It's not surprising to me at all.

The U.S. prides itself on being a beacon of freedom, and of being a nation of immigrants. We've got a freakin' giant statue that says "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

It's obvious to me that a country with that statue might be relatively civil towards immigrants, even if they're illegal.

Mexico, as far as I know, doesn't really have that reputation.

This story is another example of a meme that I'm starting to hate: The U.S. can excuse any behavior by finding another country that does the same thing. That is not a path towards being the best country in the world.


wkmac said:
As a libertarian I believe that globally and by unalienable right we should be able to transcend national borders at will.

Don't stop there my friend. Leave your doors unlocked so I can stop in any time I choose. If I make it inside your house then you should be obligated to furnish a room for me simply because I need a place to stay.
If I procreate a child in your house then you will be obligated to adopt that child and rear it as your own. If I am willing to be your son for a cheaper price then you will have to throw your kid out in the street. And god help you if you lock the doors because then Slothrop will label you a xenophobe.

I really couldn't resist the comparison of your house to our borders. But ultimately my concern with the border issue is one of security. I don't begrudge people seeking the promised land.


Locked Out said:
It seems as though locking my account is the best way to silence dissent. I doubt that this will be posted, but what the hey...

Tie, your cry to 'seal the border' confirms my observation that you are xenophobic. There is no point in disputing your ridiculous claim of Antonio López de Santa Anna being a terrorist.
Tyrone Slothrop

And you my dear are a victim waiting to happen. When you are laying in your burned out house, your body raped and broken and all your valuables gone you will then realize the importance of sealing your borders.

I really don't care about the immigration side of this debate though I was thrilled to see us finally arrest a major employer the other day.

I believe we have serious security issues with the mexican border. I believe its time to build the fence and control who comes through. The 12 million that got through before we sealed the border can die of old age for all I care.

Its clear that you are having a difficult time focusing on this issue. Let me help you. I am a xenophobe. I will sign my post xenophobe. That should help you focus on the issues at hand rather than trying to spend all your time finding a label for me.


Well-Known Member
tieguy said:
Don't stop there my friend. Leave your doors unlocked so I can stop in any time I choose. If I make it inside your house then you should be obligated to furnish a room for me simply because I need a place to stay.
If I procreate a child in your house then you will be obligated to adopt that child and rear it as your own. If I am willing to be your son for a cheaper price then you will have to throw your kid out in the street. And god help you if you lock the doors because then Slothrop will label you a xenophobe.

I really couldn't resist the comparison of your house to our borders. But ultimately my concern with the border issue is one of security. I don't begrudge people seeking the promised land.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's too funny!


From the promised LAND
Actually Tie what you posted struck a cord with me.

Last year my father went on a cruise with his new wife. It just so happened that on the cruise was a guest speaker that at one time been a lawyer in the inner circle of the white house with Kennedy.

My father was always interested in the inner workings of our government at that time, so they got into several deep discussion. Before the cruise was over, the lawyer mentioned that he would be doing some consulting work on a high profile case that was going on in Naples at the time. So my father invited him to stay with them while he was there.

So he shows up, uses the computer the whole time, my fathers cell phone to make all sorts of calls, and "borrows" the car to go give his "consultations". Even had to "borrow" a suit and tie because the airlines had "misplaced" his luggage. As we found out later, he never flew in at all.

This went on for almost 3 months, at least two months after the case was long over. Finally, after learning that we were to arrive the next day, only then did he leave, but only after they assured him that there would be no problem moving back in after we left.

During the whole time we were there, he called at least 20 times that he left messages, and who knows how many that he did not.

A real moocher.

Thing about it was that once in my fathers home, there was not any real legal way to get him removed, so once gone, they were not interested in letting him move back in.

I told my father he was lucky, at least he only left with his suits and not his car too.

He talked a good talk, and fooled a lot of people.

I say let them in. But before you get to stay, ya gotta learn and use English, I dont have to learn Spanish. And you have to have a job. No moochin off those of us that work.



dannyboy said:
Actually Tie what you posted struck a cord with me.

Last year my father went on a cruise with his new wife. It just so happened that on the cruise was a guest speaker that at one time been a lawyer in the inner circle of the white house with Kennedy.

My father was always interested in the inner workings of our government at that time, so they got into several deep discussion. Before the cruise was over, the lawyer mentioned that he would be doing some consulting work on a high profile case that was going on in Naples at the time. So my father invited him to stay with them while he was there.

So he shows up, uses the computer the whole time, my fathers cell phone to make all sorts of calls, and "borrows" the car to go give his "consultations". Even had to "borrow" a suit and tie because the airlines had "misplaced" his luggage. As we found out later, he never flew in at all.

This went on for almost 3 months, at least two months after the case was long over. Finally, after learning that we were to arrive the next day, only then did he leave, but only after they assured him that there would be no problem moving back in after we left.

During the whole time we were there, he called at least 20 times that he left messages, and who knows how many that he did not.

A real moocher.

Thing about it was that once in my fathers home, there was not any real legal way to get him removed, so once gone, they were not interested in letting him move back in.

I told my father he was lucky, at least he only left with his suits and not his car too.

He talked a good talk, and fooled a lot of people.

I say let them in. But before you get to stay, ya gotta learn and use English, I dont have to learn Spanish. And you have to have a job. No moochin off those of us that work.


Good post. I agree . I myself am an immigrant from Germany. I do think they have to go through the legal process and not by sneaking across the border.


From the promised LAND

The problem with many of them is that they get a job that does not pay much, but then find crime is a faster way for big bucks. Look at the FBI most wanted list from 10 years ago and now. Notice a big difference in the racial makeup of that list. And its not that the FBI is racist, its that the people doing the worst crimes are a changing. The last time I looked, there was one black, one white, and the rest were from south of Texas. With the exception of Bin Ladin of course as he is probably number one on the lists until the day he dies.


Locked Out

tieguy said:
And you my dear are a victim waiting to happen. When you are laying in your burned out house, your body raped and broken and all your valuables gone you will then realize the importance of sealing your borders.

I really don't care about the immigration side of this debate though I was thrilled to see us finally arrest a major employer the other day.

I believe we have serious security issues with the mexican border. I believe its time to build the fence and control who comes through. The 12 million that got through before we sealed the border can die of old age for all I care.

Its clear that you are having a difficult time focusing on this issue. Let me help you. I am a xenophobe. I will sign my post xenophobe. That should help you focus on the issues at hand rather than trying to spend all your time finding a label for me.
Listen {edited by moderator: personal attack},

I'm not Susie, though I do agree with her views, for the most part. And I'm still locked out, maybe because I have Slothrop and Tyrone Slothrop as ID's. Not my problem, if the post shows, it's because the moderator decided to allow it. So little is allowed.

If I am to be raped, it is by some gay guy like you, and he will end up pretty bloodied. I don't give up easily, jerk.

I agree, arrest the employer, they are like the drug dealer, IMO. I think the border issue extends beyond Mexico, amigo. We have more to fear from border crossings from Canada, and international flights arriving at Logan, for example. Give a path to citizenship for anyone who is willing to live like an American and learn English, or what passes for it in Baltimore;)

A sealed border goes against what built this country and made it great. Hopefully it will become great again, because it sure ain't now.

As far as focus, wake up. I am focused; at least you finally admit you are a xenophobe. Are you marching in Lansing today? I'm sure you'd be welcomed.


I started this.
Staff member
Sorry, this is extremely Off Topic...

Locked Out said:
... And I'm still locked out, maybe because I have Slothrop and Tyrone Slothrop as ID's. Not my problem, if the post shows, it's because the moderator decided to allow it. So little is allowed.
FYI Slothrop:

1. I have not received any emails from you about your account still being "locked out" so I had thought that the problem had been solved. I checked the Slothrop account and it checked out as fully functional, no errors at all. There are several other user names that have posted from the same ip as Slothrop. I'm not going to take the time to look up and troubleshoot each of your accounts since most of them have not been used recently. If you want me to troubleshoot one of the other accounts just send me an email. Maybe the problem is with your computer since no one else has complained that they were having the same problem.

2. It is very rare for an unregistered user's post not to be approved. The only posts which are not approved contain offensive or obscene language, sexually explicit material or some other terms of service violations. I have a file that contains the posts which were not approved over the past 6 months and I reviewed it to make sure before posting this. What exactly are you talking about when you state that "little is allowed"?


From the promised LAND
Dont let her drag you into her screwy world. Just cause she says somthing is so dont make it so. you of all people ought to know that!

You allow more than many other places. And even if you didnt, it is your site.

You cant please all the people all the time, just please the ones you want and all is well.

Just my views for what they are worth.

I do find it hilarious that someone can come into a house, make a mess and stink, then try to blame the housekeeper that everything is not roses. But some in America think that is normal.



Locked Out said:
Listen {edited by moderator: personal attack},

I'm not Susie, though I do agree with her views, for the most part. And I'm still locked out, maybe because I have Slothrop and Tyrone Slothrop as ID's. Not my problem, if the post shows, it's because the moderator decided to allow it. So little is allowed.

You're not susie but you agree with her views? Hell you might as well tell me you're not hitler but you agree with his views. you really should delete your link to the website. its clear you do not have the maturity to calmly discuss these issues.


Well-Known Member
THINK about this! (From the L. A Times:)

1. 40% of all workers in L. A. County (L. A. County has 10 million people) are working for cash and not paying taxes. This was because they are predominantly illegal immigrants, working without a green card.

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.

10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English. 3.9 million speak Spanish ( 10.2 million people in L. A. County).

(All 10 from the Los Angeles Times)

Less than 2% of illegal aliens are picking our crops but 29% are on welfare.

Over 70% of the United States annual population growth (and over 90% of California, Florida, and New York) results from immigration.

The cost of immigration to the American taxpayer in 1997 was a NET (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 BILLION a year, [Professor Donald Huddle, Rice University].

The lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) for the average adult Mexican immigrant is a NEGATIVE 29% of inmates in federal prisons are illegal aliens.

If they can come to this country to raise Hell and march by the thousands, Why can't they take charge over the corruption in their own country?

Americans (& Californians) are a bunch of fools for letting this crap continue.
Vote OUT any politician that doesn't protect California's Borders & oppose ILLEGAL aliens.


Well-Known Member
Old-I find it hard to believe that 95% of murders are by illegal aliens. Please post a link to the LA Times story. The country definitely has a problem with illegal aliens but some of these numbers seem over the top.


Well-Known Member
wily_old_vet said:
Old-I find it hard to believe that 95% of murders are by illegal aliens. Please post a link to the LA Times story. The country definitely has a problem with illegal aliens but some of these numbers seem over the top.

Don't think you'll see a link to the LA Times. This has been posted verbatum on many far-right wing sites, never a source given. It sounds like Heather Mac Donald or Michelle Malkin, IMO.

Fear mongering at it's worst.


Well-Known Member
WASHINGTON - President Bush generally favors plans to give millions of illegal immigrants a chance at U.S. citizenship without leaving the country, but does not want to be more publicly supportive because of opposition among conservative House Republicans, according to senators who attended a recent White House meeting.


From the promised LAND
Might be, but pull up the FBI's website and you will see for yourself some of the same bothersome little ole things there.

I know, for those of you that dont want to believe, it is your lying eyes that you now cant believe.

Oh I know, it is a right wing conspiracy, those are not really what you think they are. And it is our government that is trying to make them look bad.

But then of course, all those hospitals that closed in southern Cal, now there is no way that could be the fault of illegals not paying medical bills now could it? Nope the far right wing did that to make them look bad, sorry, it skipped my mind.

What a hoot!



golden ticket member
Wily, sometimes when stats are worded a certain way, they are still true....think very openly when you read the stats......kind of think multiple ways like when doing a crossword....

2. 95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens.

3. 75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens.

4. Over 2/3's of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal whose births were paid for by taxpayers.

5. Nearly 25% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally.

6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

7. The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border.

8. Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal.

The #2 stat...95% of warrants for murder......if there's a murder and they caught the guy, there's no warrant for his arrest. I know it sounds high, but with the gangs doing most of the murders, and most gangs in L.A. are mexican/hispanic/oriental, then it's reasonable to believe that most warrants are for illegal aliens. There are many searches to show that there are plenty of illegal's gangs in L.A.

the #3 stat....they are on the wanted list....they haven't been found yet. I find that a reasonable number. All I ever hear about on the L.A. news is about some gang that has "13" in it's name composed of nothing but illegal aliens. They seem to be doing the bulk of the killing, so they would represent the bulk of the most wanted.

The way people struggle to get here so they're kid can be born an American, the stat. #4 doesn't surprise me at all.

I believe stat. #5 too.

I believe the rest of them too. If you lived in a border state, you would believe it too. All I know is that several years back, ketchup was passed up as the most popular condiment by salsa. That was the first sign. Okay, now I'll be called a racist. All I know is that I experience a language barrier daily here and I'm speaking English clearly.