The L-396 campaign trail is underway....


Well-Known Member
Let me start by saying Everyone here has the their opinion, like i have mine. It blows mind the way some of you guys think. Though its your own thoughts and opinions, it does not necessary reflect to what i believe is the fact or truth.

TOS, you come across as if you think you have all the answers to our Local 396 problems and concerns and yet you have done nothing since you left the union for whatever reason. I'm not here to judge you nor convince you of anything but I do not have respect for your voice when all i see is HOT Wind that goes nowhere. You put everyone down who does not see your view. In Local 396 You Are Not Well Respected from any but from a few from the valley where you came from. You will Not get respect from anyone else until you learn how to Listen to Members like you claim RH has not done. Your known by many names that I choose not to post. Due to ratting to the DM about a candidate in 2011, ratting on a member for personnel monetary gain. Believe you boasting about running in 2017 would be a waste because you will Not have the support from the membership because of who you are and the ideas of what you believe in. You may be smart in many ways but have burned so many bridges from your membership that does not take you serious to be a Leader of any kind. So if you like to re-invent yourself to be liked, look in the mirror and learn when to speak and when Not to. You may swindle Bo, Cerritos and others here but in the real world, you are nothing but again Hot wind.

Cerritos and others claim all this nonsense of RG getting such a hard time at the buildings, being the aggressor to the members or RH. It such BS, i have talked to the members WHO were there and let me say. These guys only promote false writing to win the Story lines of the site for RH. Speak the TRUTH, have the balls to tell it like it is.

Now as for RG, does he or his slate have what it takes to the run the local, time will tell if he wins. But are many members Not only at 396 pissed because of the contract, YES! Are we angry enough to want Change in our Union, Yes! Do we feel betrayed from our Union who we believe was to defend our views of our future as Teamster, YES! Do we feel stepped on locally with our own personnel issues with the company and nothing being done about, YES! They're many more reasons that i can post but you can figure out where i'm going with this.

RH, did he give a hoot about his membership at the local level, AW Hell No. Being caught up wearing too many hats and Not having the support or knowledge from his own principle officers to keep it running accordingly, Hell No. From JP as prez to JB for sanitation don't have a clue how to run the local. They are All dislike because of the weak performance. Experience is what the claim on their flyers, where is it? Do they need RH for every decision or do they need approval from him to feel they are doing the right decision?

At the International level as a trustee, he has No voice? Give me a break, if that is true then he is just a puppet, Not a leader. We are very upset because of these issues, Stand for membership regardless of which hat you wear. Your membership is your home and WE are your soldiers that will back you at any cost if you defend us. We are pissed because of All the Power RH claims to have and yet he could not get Southwest to back you? RH could have tried to stand on his own two FEET and defend US. If his stance did or did not make a difference in the outcome of this contract, RH stance would have gained much respect from all of us at the end. I would not even be here writing my view. So RH should have stood for us like we would have for him Period!

So do i believe we need change, Yes. If change happens because of those who Did not defend, it will send a ripple effect throughout the Nation. It will show that regardless of who you are or how many hats you wear, you can and will be removed by voting you OUT!

So i don't want to divide our goals but to bring the Union locally and International Strong again. Those in Power will know that you have the Power because we voted for you and we have the ability to strip it from you as well.

If i offended anyone here, that was not my intent. Telling you my views, Peace.

Wow, gotta say. That was well written my brother. Very clear and concise. Whether I agree with everything or not, Your facts and opinions are easy to understand. I'm not in total agreement with everything, but so what. All of us will never be exactly on the same page, all the time - But I believe we need people like you around.


Well-Known Member
Good points, lots of emotion and yet somewhat short on facts.

Let me address my absence first. I completed my term as executive officer/business agent and returned to my yard.

RH and I parted ways and there are many things we dont see eye to eye on. While our positions on UPS issues are very similiar, this last contract showed vast contrasts to our opinions on the direction of UPS.

When i returned to my yard, I dealt with my "local" issues as that is the only requirement that I have as a steward.

Yes, I recieve dozens of phone calls from ALL hubs for help constantly, and in most cases i can help to remedy whatever situation has arisen. Others have to seek help from the local where it should be handled.

Unlike RG, I dont parade around in yards that I dont belong in. I dont go to sanitation yards pretending to give a crap so I can show up in a publicity photo later in an election. I dont have too.

You want to talk about respect? Fine. Lets start with 2011. RG and his monkeys stood in front of my yard attempting to hand out flyers and such. Instead of focusing on the job at hand, they instead, collectively began harrassing members who DIDNT want to take the flyers. IN harrassing, they used "curse" words and berating commentary.

Before I arrived in the yard, I recieved a ton of phone calls informing me that "they" were in the yards and conducting themselves like :censored2:. When I arrived, the shouting then was directed towards me, and if YOU were there, you would know this. Unlike the members who walked past and simply ignored them, I used my "respect" with the company to have them removed from property. You see, its "respect" that gets things done.

The company "respects" my opinion enough to move on a request. NO employee has to be on the recieving end of stupidity of any candidate. NO candidate has the "right" to berate members who dont listen to them.

Had RG's group of embiciles acted like the professionals they pretend to be, this wouldnt have happened. But memories run deep at my yard, and RG and his group avoided my yard this time around. Think about it, all the stories of RG's slate acting like fools out in front of yards, and in my yard they do the same and yet somehow, you believe it to be untrue?

The problem with perceptions at UPS, is that "some" people think that leadership is fist pounding and yelling in front of buildings. Leadership is getting things done. Saving peoples jobs, correcting wrongs in the daily business cycle.

Leadership isnt sitting in a circle pulling each others hair.

What you want to describe as "hot air" is something I call "critical thought", something that can be done by a person with "experience". I have that right. I have the years of service under my belt to have these thoughts.

Do I have all the answers? No. That takes collective thought and the input of many people. Can I offer alternatives to current issues? Absolutely. Unlike RG, I have "been there, done that".

As to our curent contract, there is alot more behind the scenes that you dont factor into your thoughts. But what could anyone expect? You dont have the experience to understand the "inner workings" of the teamsters.

Did we "Gain" in this last contract? Obviously no. Did we maintain the benefits we had? Obviously no.

But what did you expect to happen? You dont understand what was agreed to in previous years between the IBT and the company. This factors in greatly during negotiations and we may never know what went on behind the scenes.

As for RH, yes, he could have handled it differently, but that would have come at some personal expense to his associations with the IBT. RH has worked hard for 12 years to work his way to the national level and in cases like the contract, its coming back to haunt him.

Does this mean he cant be effective? No, it doesnt. RH isnt walking around blind or ignoring what "we" are saying.

Once this election is over, he has to get down to business and make changes that the membership can support.

As to what "I" have been doing all these years? Thats easy. I have put together a group of diverse members ready to run against RH. We didnt run this time because RG felt the need to get waxed all over again and lose yet another election. "WE" were not about to give him another excuse for losing by running as well. IF this loss doesnt convince him to step away from local politics, then nothing will.

If you truly are concerned for change and a different path for local leadership, then promoting RG isnt the way to go.

RG is only getting in the way of effective change. You could say, that he "insured" RH another three years.

You and I may disagree on this, but after the votes are counted tomorrow, and the election is over, hopefully you will ask RG to move aside and get out of the way.

Hey, I can take whatever criticism you have, its all fair game. You made some good points and I agree with you on many. But, remember, there is alot more behind the scenes to negotiations than just saying "NO". Its a political game within the Teamsters, and you have to know how the game is played to understand the outcomes.


I certainly believe a lot of this is true. I will not profess to know the inner working of the IBT. I am certain I know little. With the politics involved at the International level, I believe Ron would have been quickly marginalized. In a way that would have rendered him severely handicapped by the IBT, and our perception as a local would have been extremely negative. That scene would have helped no one, least of all the local. Ron has to play along with the IBT, at certain levels, if he is to garner any support from the IBT. Personally, I can't stand Hoffa and hope he loses big when he's time comes, But he is in office now and he must be contended with. That's the fact. Maybe Ron is between a rock and a hard place. He loses favor with the IBT, so do we as a local!
Second point. I had hopes for RG earlier on. Watching his campaign was revealing. I saw little if anything personally of a campaign. I'm sure others saw something more. but how much more? Honestly!! How much more aggressiveness did you see in RG campaign? What we are looking at now, is RG in attack mode, maximum! If it isn't RG's maximum, WELL IT SHOULD BE!! He's running to win. undoubtedly this expected aggression would diminish some after (if he were to win).
I'm sorry, but I'm seeing nowhere near the amount of aggression I want in office. Let alone, after the paltry aggressiveness diminishes more? Ron is the incumbent! Ron is showing a much more aggressive attack in the election. I cannot explain why, merely it is! Ron and I still don't see eye to eye on everything. In fact, we don't see eye to eye on quite a few things. But if I get fired again, I'll be giving Ron a call to make sure he's in that room. Trust me. When the word games start, and debating and people start sharpening their tongues on a wheel,,,
Ron is among the best I've seen, bar none. I've been in the office quite a few times. I've seen good representatives, and I've seen a lot of bad ones.
You want Ron in that office with you. Like him, or not.


I started this.
Staff member

From now on if there's a full name or a last name in a post the mods are going to delete the whole post instead of wasting our time editing names out.

Hopefully this will get you guys to stop posting names.

If you see a post that contains a full name or an attempt to avoid detection of a full name using spaces between letters, strange characters or misspellings please report it.


Well-Known Member
Dont be rediculous. They havent even been collected yet.

It isnt hard to make projections. Its the law of averages.

I posted this yesterday at noon, but the moderators never posted it:

Me ridiculous? I thought you were a (h)officer in the past. If you were really an officer and have ran before you would know that you can call the election service daily to give you a number on the vote count. Did you really not know that?

The company hosting our election is called Pacific Election Services (PES), and the election supervisor is RJ. You have the right to call PES and ask for a ballot count daily. The ballots are not received in the offices of PES, but stay in the Post Office and are deposited in the P.O. Box we the members pay for, not Ron H. However, after the mail is sorted out the exact number of ballots counted are relayed to the election supervisor daily. Usually if you call after 11:00am you'll be provided with the exact number of ballots provided daily and total. You don't even have to be a member to be given an answer.

I started calling on Wednesday 10/22, eight days after the ballots were first mailed out and 1,292 ballots had been returned. On the morning of Thursday 10/23, 318 ballots were returned for a total of 1,610.
Friday 10/24, 221 ballots for a total of 1,831.
Monday 10/27, 452 ballots for a total of 2,283.
Tuesday 10/28, 208 ballots for a total of 2,491.
Wednesday 10/29, 175 ballots for a total of 2,666.
Thursday 10/30, 178 ballots for a total of 2,844.
Yesterday morning 10/31 ( Happy Halloween) 167 ballots were received in the morning for a total of 3,011.

I've called several times today but I guess RJ does not work on Saturdays because he has not answered. If the trend continues perhaps 3,300 total ballots will have arrived by Monday (tomorrow).

But, it amazes me that someone who proudly brags about his knowledge of Teamster politics does not know that you can call daily to find out how many ballots have been returned. LOL, unreal with you ^^^.

With that being said, the total amount of ballots will match that of the 2011 election. The only difference is that according to the Election Service the membership of Local 396 is down to 8,900 members.

Last year on the first round of the garbage contract we got, 1,742 voted No and 463 Yes, (2,205 total). On the second round 1,131 voted Yes and 1,026 voted against, it barely passed, (2,157 total).

Now that I have given you the ballots returned, how many of those will go to RH and how many will go to RG?

How many of those 1,742 that voted No in the first round will vote for Ron H and how many will vote for RG? How many of those 1,026 that voted No on the second round will vote for ## and how many for RG?
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Well-Known Member
Lets say 2200 UPSers vote, that means the other 1000 are from sanitation. You guys know very well that RH and his BAs are hated by sanitation. If those extra 1000 are sanitation you can bet RH is gone. We found out this week that 700 UPSers out of 396 are TDU members and not one of them is voting for RH.

I find it hard to believe that RH will get 1600 votes out of UPS. We saw the answer last week that Columbus Ohio and Harrisburg Pennsylvania teamsters gave their incumbents. They clobbered them. Both of these locals are like 396, overwhelmingly UPS locals.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I certainly believe a lot of this is true. I will not profess to know the inner working of the IBT. I am certain I know little. With the politics involved at the International level, I believe Ron would have been quickly marginalized. In a way that would have rendered him severely handicapped by the IBT, and our perception as a local would have been extremely negative. That scene would have helped no one, least of all the local. Ron has to play along with the IBT, at certain levels, if he is to garner any support from the IBT. Personally, I can't stand Hoffa and hope he loses big when he's time comes, But he is in office now and he must be contended with. That's the fact. Maybe Ron is between a rock and a hard place. He loses favor with the IBT, so do we as a local!
Second point. I had hopes for RG earlier on. Watching his campaign was revealing. I saw little if anything personally of a campaign. I'm sure others saw something more. but how much more? Honestly!! How much more aggressiveness did you see in RG campaign? What we are looking at now, is RG in attack mode, maximum! If it isn't RG's maximum, WELL IT SHOULD BE!! He's running to win. undoubtedly this expected aggression would diminish some after (if he were to win).
I'm sorry, but I'm seeing nowhere near the amount of aggression I want in office. Let alone, after the paltry aggressiveness diminishes more? Ron is the incumbent! Ron is showing a much more aggressive attack in the election. I cannot explain why, merely it is! Ron and I still don't see eye to eye on everything. In fact, we don't see eye to eye on quite a few things. But if I get fired again, I'll be giving Ron a call to make sure he's in that room. Trust me. When the word games start, and debating and people start sharpening their tongues on a wheel,,,
Ron is among the best I've seen, bar none. I've been in the office quite a few times. I've seen good representatives, and I've seen a lot of bad ones.
You want Ron in that office with you. Like him, or not.

I posted this yesterday at noon, but the moderators never posted it:

Me ridiculous? I thought you were a (h)officer in the past. If you were really an officer and have ran before you would know that you can call the election service daily to give you a number on the vote count. Did you really not know that?

The company hosting our election is called Pacific Election Services (PES), and the election supervisor is RJ. You have the right to call PES and ask for a ballot count daily. The ballots are not received in the offices of PES, but stay in the Post Office and are deposited in the P.O. Box we the members pay for, not Ron H. However, after the mail is sorted out the exact number of ballots counted are relayed to the election supervisor daily. Usually if you call after 11:00am you'll be provided with the exact number of ballots provided daily and total. You don't even have to be a member to be given an answer.

I started calling on Wednesday 10/22, eight days after the ballots were first mailed out and 1,292 ballots had been returned. On the morning of Thursday 10/23, 318 ballots were returned for a total of 1,610.
Friday 10/24, 221 ballots for a total of 1,831.
Monday 10/27, 452 ballots for a total of 2,283.
Tuesday 10/28, 208 ballots for a total of 2,491.
Wednesday 10/29, 175 ballots for a total of 2,666.
Thursday 10/30, 178 ballots for a total of 2,844.
Yesterday morning 10/31 ( Happy Halloween) 167 ballots were received in the morning for a total of 3,011.

I've called several times today but I guess RJ does not work on Saturdays because he has not answered. If the trend continues perhaps 3,300 total ballots will have arrived by Monday (tomorrow).

But, it amazes me that someone who proudly brags about his knowledge of Teamster politics does not know that you can call daily to find out how many ballots have been returned. LOL, unreal with you Ray.

With that being said, the total amount of ballots will match that of the 2011 election. The only difference is that according to the Election Service the membership of Local 396 is down to 8,900 members.

Last year on the first round of the garbage contract we got, 1,742 voted No and 463 Yes, (2,205 total). On the second round 1,131 voted Yes and 1,026 voted against, it barely passed, (2,157 total).

Now that I have given you the ballots returned, how many of those will go to RH and how many will go to RG?

How many of those 1,742 that voted No in the first round will vote for Ron H and how many will vote for RG? How many of those 1,026 that voted No on the second round will vote for Ron H and how many for RG?

I have aleady made my predictions, and so far i am right on the money. I said COLLECTED not counted.

I dont have a reason to CALL for ballots. This isnt my election. That being said, it still doesnt take away from my being able to forecast outcomes.

As you know, there will be discounted ballots. AND the final count, in my projection, is 2850.

You want to make calls? Go for it. My prediction stands.

If you want to "pin" your hopes on NO votes going to RG, than, you will be very unhappy come tomorrow evening.

Practically my whole building voted NO on the contract twice, and yet, NONE of them will be voting for RG.

This is just a fact. Something you dont know anything about. The boxline may be like a room full of old ladies to you, but in the full time world, we are definately a little more informed about our decisions.

A local election and a contract ratification carry different weights.

Time will tell. 24 hours to go and the fun begins.


The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Lets say 2200 UPSers vote, that means the other 1000 are from sanitation. You guys know very well that RH and his BAs are hated by sanitation. If those extra 1000 are sanitation you can bet RH is gone. We found out this week that 700 UPSers out of 396 are TDU members and not one of them is voting for RH.

I find it hard to believe that RH will get 1600 votes out of UPS. We saw the answer last week that Columbus Ohio and Harrisburg Pennsylvania teamsters gave their incumbents. They clobbered them. Both of these locals are like 396, overwhelmingly UPS locals.

Evil, tell me your not pinning your hopes on the sanitation industry?

700 TDU members? Let me ask you a question.

If TDU had so much influence in our local? Why has every TDU slate, including yours, gotten destroyed in every election?

When you ran unsuccessfully, you didnt get all the TDU votes you claim exist. What does that say about YOU?

The sanitation industry didnt like RH then either. But he still won overwhelmingly over YOU and RG in two elections.

Like I said many times, the dissension votes will always average 900 no matter who is in office.

In your election, you didnt make that level of support. RG barely made it himself.

Where was the 1000 sanitation votes? They didnt appear in the last two cycles, and they wont appear this time either.

Math can be fun, but history speaks for itself.



Well-Known Member
3248 total ballots as of this morning. Not one ballot was ruled ineligible. An hour ago the ballot opening began. Results should come in the next hour.


Well-Known Member
The members of local 396 will continue to be represented by one of the best in Ron H. He magically saves members careers. As only a skilled negotiator can do
Well its finally over. All those who were misinformed about the UPS contract did vote but T.G. the informed members weren't fooled by all the lies and mudslinging by the R. G. Slate.. You had no platform, no solutions only insults. Again the TDU rejects , invisible supporters ( L. B. ) legend , rat ,were handed a LOSS. and for all those who said that they were Neutral ( S. Z. ) management and yes that girl from the valley T. L. partying with management were USED for the personal gain of an IDIOT R.G. didn't see that coming , did you. Try earning some respect from members now !!! That guy from Olympic, get real !! We hate TDU !!!Dude you were used and abused by R.G. At least 10 Stewards, whom are all active , own that Building. Enough said, just stay quiet as a driver mind your own business and more important ! STAY CLEAN, remember its those Stewards who will be fighting for your job when you friend up NO WHITE SHINNING NIGHT (R.G.) He didn't even show up for the Vote Count !! no cajones !!BY the way, where were you ?Members not first after all? yet he had that tried guy from san gabe who's lost more elections than anyone in the history of 396 !! Don't forget that girl (?) shop steward from there also who aged at least 10 years in the vote count , that she didn't stay for the Final. By the way neither did candidate T.L. stay for the Final. WOW ! Not important enough to see it through..What about members first ?Wasnt that your slates SLOGAN ? The guy who shouted out loud the spelling of his name , spell this out loud..LOSER..Dont have anything to say about those other candidates who R.G. sold them that they were so Popular, no one knows you and you got off easy. Think twice before you get into something thats over your head. None of you attend the Union meetings, aren't shop stewards and really had ANY EXPERIENCE other than one selfish guy R.G. tell you , you would be great at this job.. And also for that other retired member who spread lies about his co workers. You get exactly what you deserve the title D-J , not B-A..You have to earn that!!! stay retired and T.G. that tdu didn't get a hold of OUR LOCAL..
B-U, stay out of our Locals affairs ! don't wear OUR shirts, don't pretend you belong to the Teamsters.. You wanted to be the B-A in sanitation yet you got fired, how many times ?? 2-3, doesn't matter. Sanitation workers will continue to be in good hands. Move to arizona or some other right to work state cause your no union man.
Thank all the informed members for standing up to all the mudsling about our whole Teamsters Union from the International Level , the J C 42 Level and our Local Level. Stay informed, active, positive.
AN Attack on one , is An Attack on ALL !!!


Wow! Really classy 396! Hopefully RH understands how close this election was ( less than 200 final ) and makes changes for the better. The local is divided and now will need to come together for the better of all. Election is over show some class!!!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
3248 ballots collected this morning.
3248 total ballots as of this morning. Not one ballot was ruled ineligible. An hour ago the ballot opening began. Results should come in the next hour.

There is alot of analysis that can be made now that the election is concluded. There are messages for both sides in this election to listen to.

First, lets start with What Didnt Happen.

The theory that 1000 sanitation votes plus 700 TDU UPSers didnt materialize for RG. This is clear.

RG lost ( again ) and its time for him to step aside and just go back to being a regular feeder driver and stay out of local politics. Thank TDU for their help that didnt materialize into a win and give up your silly quest at becoming the leader of local 396.

You will NEVER be in charge of local 396 with TDU attached to your name.

The outcome message for RG is simple.

In this election, RH was at his most vulnerable. The numbers confirm this and there is no argument there. But, in his most vulnerable state, you STILL couldnt win office or beat RH. Yes, there were more votes in your favor, but dont let that get to your head. It isnt a sign of progress. You tried a completely new slate and failed. The increase in votes was more of a message to the RH administration that the membership is very angry, than it was support for you and your ideals.

To your supporters who passed along all your baloney and false charges, you are all also "toxic" and it's probably best to lay low until everyone forgets your association with RG.

What DID happen.

First, lets talk about the numbers. 3248 ballots were collected and processed. In total 3102 were counted and assigned to the candidates.

The outcome was close, and in some respects closer than was expected, but it was anticipated that there were a ton of angry voters that were either NOT going to vote or would vote for RG in protest.

RH 1661

RG 1443

As for the votes. This year saw an additional +200 votes higher than the average. The actual votes counted was also higher than the average. (3102) RH had a 393 ballot buffer to avoid a loss given his previous ballot count of 1945 in the last election.

1552 was the threshold for victory in this election. Slightly higher than the average of 1501.

As I said early on, RG would pick up a plus +200 angry voters, and that turned out to be +400. The additional +200 votes that came in this year accounted for this increase. I said RH would lose approximately -100 angry votes and that turned out to be -284.

From 1945 in the last election to 1661 in this election, a loss of 284 voters is a pretty loud message. 1661 is way below the threshold of total confidence which ranges above 2000 votes. This is also something RH has to be aware of. It signals that the membership is ready for change, but not at this moment with RG as a candidate.

Its pretty clear that the membership is still unhappy with the contract and our health insurance as it was negotiated.

If you view the votes as "approval ratings", 1661 is pretty close to 50/50 on performance. As each election has passed, RH is recieving fewer and fewer votes, and all the membership needs is for the right candidate to come along and a new leader for local 396 will be elected.

Direction of local 396

What RH has to do is address the key issues on the minds of UPSers now that the election is over. I spoke to RH the night before the election and offered to lend a hand in seeing that this gets done. We need to come together now that the election is over, and work to fix the things that can be fixed and find solutions to other problems that will need time.

This election is over. RH has won and we have bigger things to worry about.

We have to fix the "insurance cancellation problem" for drivers and feeder drivers.

We have to harness the company from harrassing drivers with ORION and ridiculous standards associated with ORION.

We have to address sleeper teams that are being diverted and not paid for miles traveled.

We have to address the hiring of new package drivers only to lose them in 28 days because of unfair standards.

We have to address the issue of not giving uniforms to drivers in a timely fashion, leaving drivers with worn out, torn and unsightly uniforms.

This is the tip of the iceberg, and a good place for RH to start to show the members that he is listening.

For the record

I campaigned for RH pretty hard in these last two weeks and I am glad I did. From Dozens of phone calls to face to face conversations, I heard all the complaints and concerns. The pulse of the membership would like to see change, but they are willing to move forward now that the election is over.

I will work with RH to seek some of the changes I have spoken of. In three years, we will see how it pans out.

Politics is politics, and things change over time. For now, the time is to get the job done.



The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
There are two ironies that came out of this election.

First, RG didnt show up for the ballot count itself and sent CJ, PS & T from VNs to observe. How could this be a sign of leadership? Remember "Aggressive, Progressive and Dilligent"???

Second, to the vote tallies. With 3102 votes being the final count, that meant that 1552 was the threshold for victory.

RH recieved 1661 votes and that was only 109 votes from 1552. RG recieved 1443 votes and that too was 109 votes from 1552. It's ironic that both men were 109 away from a different outcome.

For RH, congrats and move forward and re engage the membership. Make your presence known. Make sure the members can see you in the yards in order to change mindsets. Dont rely on monthly meetings or publications to let members know you are still around. Be the face of the Union directly and calm the fears of the membership.

For RG, well, you have had your bites at the apple so time to move on, Unfortunately, this clip is haunting and the membership hopes it isnt your mindset.
