The Mouth of HATE SPEECH says something even more ridiculous on the AIR!


Well-Known Member
Once again, you can't seem to tell the difference between the #1 radio talk show host with an audience of millions, and a donor with no airtime at all? The unspoken truth in all of this is that Rush really runs the GOP. All of the Republicans are afraid of his power and want his endorsement...until now. At the moment, he's completely toxic.

Funny, I always thought of Rush as an errand boy.


golden ticket member
Limbaughs still bleeding advertisers!
Rush Limbaugh Loses More Sponsors Over Sandra Fluke Controversy - The Hollywood Reporter

What great news! The fallout continues.





Well-Known Member
The unspoken truth in all of this is that Rush really runs the GOP. All of the Republicans are afraid of his power and want his endorsement...until now. At the moment, he's completely toxic.
The left wishes this was true right now so they can re-elect Jimmy Carter. The fact is that Rush is not a politician but a radio personality. Apparently, at least on this board it seems that the left listens to Rush( I don't) more than anyone else, ---Why?-- Because they're threatened by him---LOL!--Rush's only mistake was to act like the left in name calling. This hyperbole of leftwing, moronic spewage is just another attempt at distracting people from the real issues in this country. What a damn shame that there are people out there blinded by the little name calling issues instead of focusing on--Going broke, creating jobs and moving this country forward. I'm starting to feel sorry for your kids too!


Engorged Member

The Right Wing Attack Machine is in full operation. The Leader (Rush) is under attack, and he must be protected at all costs. I love how all of you are denying Rush runs the GOP..too funny. All but a few of the Republicans are afraid to say anything about him because they fear retaliation on the air. Those on The Right that have spoken out have made weak, tepid statements so they don't anger El Rushbo.

Obama just has to sit back and watch all of the idiots destroy themselves and what little credibility the GOP has left.


golden ticket member
The left went to great lengths to plant this student. (30 yrs old)
Again, if you want Rush gone.....Maher and the likes of him have said worse. Laura Ingram.....was called a slut too. Where's the anger from the left then? one said that was wrong. Palin was called much, much worse and the left were high fivin' about it.


golden ticket member
You are showing an absurd lack of knowledge of female health.
contraception? means no conception
birth control...means no babies.

This student wasn't testifying that she needed birth control for painful periods or whatever phony scam was worked out between her and San Fran Nan.
I know I wouldn't be active in the LGBT unless I was one of that's a logical assumption, but not 100% sure.


Well-Known Member
The Right Wing Attack Machine is in full operation. The Leader (Rush) is under attack, and he must be protected at all costs. I love how all of you are denying Rush runs the GOP..too funny. All but a few of the Republicans are afraid to say anything about him because they fear retaliation on the air. Those on The Right that have spoken out have made weak, tepid statements so they don't anger El Rushbo. Obama just has to sit back and watch all of the idiots destroy themselves and what little credibility the GOP has left.
The left wishes this was true right now so they can re-elect Jimmy Carter. The fact is that Rush is not a politician but a radio personality. Apparently, at least on this board it seems that the left listens to Rush( I don't) more than anyone else, ---Why?-- Because they're threatened by him---LOL!--Rush's only mistake was to act like the left in name calling. This hyperbole of leftwing, moronic spewage is just another attempt at distracting people from the real issues in this country. What a damn shame that there are people out there blinded by the little name calling issues instead of focusing on--Going broke, creating jobs and moving this country forward. I'm starting to feel sorry for your kids too!
Thank you for perfectly proving my point. You’re an incredibly perfect example of what’s wrong in America. Again, thanks a lot! I will send this into the blogosphere as another example of incompetent babbling from the leftist-fear. Peace!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
contraception? means no conception
birth control...means no babies.

This student wasn't testifying that she needed birth control for painful periods or whatever phony scam was worked out between her and San Fran Nan.
I know I wouldn't be active in the LGBT unless I was one of that's a logical assumption, but not 100% sure.

Why dont you tell us what she actually testified to without the right wing spin? Do you even know? I put my money on ....NO ( X ) Yes ( )

