The Myth of AQI

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Well, considering that the Six Day War started with an Israeli pre-emptive strike, and was fought almost exclusively on Arab territory, it might be a bit of a stretch to call it a "defensive war" since it was the Arabs who wound up on the defensive.

Leaving that aside though, could you point me to the relevant passage in International Law/ The Law of War that states that Israel(or any country) has the right to keep territroy that it captures in a "defensive war"? I'm pretty curious about that.

I'd say Egypt massing 1000 tanks and 10,000 soldiers on their border, along with forming an alliance with the other surrounding Arab nations and calling for war against Israel, was just cause for a pre-emptive strike. It happened before that in 1948 so I don't blame Israel for not wanting to sit around and wait for thousands, maybe millions, of Arab soldiers to cross into their country from every direction. Their neighbors tried again in 1973 and were defeated so Israel has every right to be in their current position. I personally think they put up with too much from their terrorist neighbors but that's not to say they don't don't enough.


Well-Known Member
No arguement both stories are good news and the more the better but I'm real concerned about Afghanistan and specifically the Al Queda strongholds that are still in place not only in the wilds of Afghanistan but moreso Pakistan. And with that comes another connection of concern and that is the Taliban who are showing growing signs of strength in the Afghan theater.

Even the british are beginning to have serious doubts(see link below) about the Afghan mission as well they should. Has the political leadership of America lost focus on Afghanistan and where the home turf of Al Queda really is? Are the 2 parties so engrossed with Iraq that we've forgotten that the folks who hit 9/11 twice, the US Cole and US Embassies took their orders not from Iraq but they came from the folks maintaining safe harbor in the wilds of Afghanistan or moreso in Pakistan. No matter what Al Queda operatives we kill in Iraq, we still get videos and tapes from the oganzations highest leadership including Osama and trust me, these guys aren't in Iraq.

Are the political leaders serious about ending the lives of these terrorist leaders or are they looking elsewhere to allow them to continue in order to have an ever present enemy in order to feed a gov't machine and bureacracy? That may sound totally nuts on the surface but look at the history of the Soviet Empire over it's life and all the times we actually pumped aid to them that allowed their life to continue. Look at Lend/Lease for starters.

Are we going to keep stomping on Al Queda toes in Iraq or are we gonna cut off the head that lives in Afghan/Pakistan outback? What would happen to Al Queda in Iraq if we killed it in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Or is it your conclusion that we continue to only take an asprin a day and this will cure terminal cancer?

Let's get serious and kill these guys but let's send our soldiers in FULL TILT BOOGEY right where these guys live day in and day out and where the head honchos live. And it ain't Iraq my friend! If need be, we got tactical nukes so let's use em'! Wanna scare the :censored2: out of Iran? Pop a big cap over Osama's head and watch the rats run for cover!



Well-Known Member

Are we going to keep stomping on Al Queda toes in Iraq or are we gonna cut off the head that lives in Afghan/Pakistan outback? What would happen to Al Queda in Iraq if we killed it in Afghanistan and Pakistan? Or is it your conclusion that we continue to only take an aspirin a day and this will cure terminal ca

What I am saying and have been saying for quite some time now is very simple. Al Queada used Afghanistan as their training grounds and their main headquarters for lack of a better term. In very early October of 2001 with less than 300 Americans on the ground we toppled the taliban government. This happened very quickly. At this time senior leadership from Al Queada fled to other countries to set up shop. One of these countries was in fact Iraq. By early November of 2001 there were reports of Zarqawi in Iraq. I know this does not fit what you want to believe from watching the news. But as someone with relative browncafe fame once said thats a fact jack. Believe me if you think I want to take an aspirin a day to cure this terminal cancer you do not understand me in the least. I have said on here many times we should hunt Al Queada wherever they hide. I think as a country we should have a strategy in how we go about it. We do not have the manpower to occupy every country in the world nor should we. I know many people on here want to think that we just let Al Queada run wild in Afghanistan. Nothing could be farther from the truth. There is however a lack of understanding in the difference in the ways we are fighting in each country. Look at the types of units in Afghanistan. (20thSFG, 3rd SFG, 10th mountain,75th ranger) If you do not understand what these guys do does not mean that nothing is happening.

I would not be concerned with this strength the taliban are showing. These guys pick up their AK's every spring and try to put up a little fight. It was predicted by the news and some politicians that they would put up a major offensive this summer against us. This really did not happen.

Do you really think anyone would use nukes? Listen to the antiwar crowd and watch how the politicians are running now. How bad would it be if we used nukes? There is more to fighting a war than sometimes meets the eye.

I am not taking a shot at you. I am just saying that I am willing to fight Al Queada wherever they are. If you have a government with chemical weapons that openly works with Al Queada I am all for moving them to the top of the list.

In closing the way our leaders decided to fight the war in Afghanistan had positives and negatives. It has been effective in disrupting Al Queada. It has avoided the mess the Soviet army was trapped in. It did allow some of the enemies to escape to other countries.

I base most of what I say on the war on personal experience or that of good friends.