The religion of peace strikes again...


Bad Moon Risen'
Did your Catholic faith instruct you to "kill the infidel" and other acts the Koran is said to instruct?

I didn't think so.

Oh....go ahead and convert to Islam will ya?
Keep us updated on how it goes.
We may want to convert.
I have never read the Koran so I can't tell you what it teaches. I've never read the Bible either but I heard a rumor about an eye for an eye. Maybe some muslims are killing through terror because we went into the Middle East and slaughtered some of them.


Well-Known Member
Maybe some muslims are killing through terror because we went into the Middle East and slaughtered some of them.

Were we invited into the "middle east" or did we go in, uninvited, as mauraders (sp) with a psychotic need to kill?

"killing through terror"?

You seem to sympathize with our middle eastern friends?

Addition: you act like our troops enjoy being there?


Bad Moon Risen'
Were we invited into the "middle east" or did we go in, uninvited, as mauraders (sp) with a psychotic need to kill?

"killing through terror"?

You seem to sympathize with our middle eastern friends?

Addition: you act like our troops enjoy being there?
We invaded a nation that was no threat to us in Iraq. Hardly believe Saddam invited us in. Of course we went in with a need to kill. Isn't that what war is? "Shock and Awe" and the use of daisy cutters were used to terrorize the population and/or government into surrender.
I do not sympathize with anyone over there but can somewhat understand why they may dislike us. We think we have the right to go over there and install a government more to our liking and then just pull out when things don't go as we expected.


Bad Moon Risen'
You must have loved the Vietnam War.......
We had no business sticking our nose in that one either. Sat in a classroom in Sterling Hall for a physics class that still had cracks in the wall from the bombing there.
When's this country going to decide we are not the world's police force?


Well-Known Member
When's this country going to decide we are not the world's police force?

I dunno.....

Unless we wait for our shores to be attacked, invaded.....whatever word you want to then it may be too late.

My degree isn't in history but I vaguely remember our involvement in WWII was to stop the Germans and Japanese from ruling the world.

Korean War was to stop the spread of an evil power to South Korea.

Vietnam was to stop the spread of the communist north into the south. At least that is what we were told. Did the Gulf of Tonkin incident really happen? I don't know. Did the military-industrial complex have a hand and a dollar to be made in it? Don't know.

Saddam was said to not have WMD but he used poison gas on his own people....especially the Kurds who asked the US for assist in an uprising that they (kurds) didn't get. This really pissed off Saddam. That's a big desert over there. Several battalions of soldiers and a few bulldozers could hide large amounts of WMD.

I don't like wars. You act like I do. As long as man exists you will have greed, hate, egocentrism and other attributes that cause war.

Several centuries ago the Christian Crusades was thought to be a defensive action against invading muslims. Fast forward several centuries....the muslims have shown they can exact tremendous damage in the name of their supreme being. Does it appear we are on the defense again? Their scope is world supposedly says that in the Koran.

You tell us how far our country should go in eliminating current and future threats. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Pervert priests.

as opposed to pervert muslims and muslim clerics? The rape and abuse of young children in the middle east has been well documented in the middle east and witnessed by our troops but for some reason it appears to be another area where the muslims seem to receive special accomadations from the liberals.


Well-Known Member
I have never read the Koran so I can't tell you what it teaches. I've never read the Bible either but I heard a rumor about an eye for an eye. Maybe some muslims are killing through terror because we went into the Middle East and slaughtered some of them.

unprovoked i'm sure.


Staff member
you're commending the Vatican for accountability and transparency?
The vatican would have been perfectly happy to continue their policy of covering it all up and allowing the pedo priests to continue their abuse forever. They were exposed by investigative journalism and they have subsequently been forced into "transparency" by the court system. They have fought it every step of the way.