Tooner has left the building.



Well I fell for that one hook line and sinker. Its offical ---I'm never going to believe anything on the internet again. I was down to only believing about 5% but now its ---zilch-zip-zero-nadda-nothing.

I was pretty sure that it was a joke, but then I saw that my hero and mentor ,Rod was buying into it. So , I began to give more credence to the story. The fact that cach ignored my questions only confirmed to me that it was joke. I received a pm or two from moreluck telling me it was a joke. I responded to one of her pms. I got numerous more pms from other members and I was too tired to answer them so I apologize to those who sent those.

The whole situation reminded me of this song by Roy Clark. I gave partial credence to the thought that Tooner did what I have often thought of doing: making a left at Oak street.

Roy Clark ~ Right or Left at Oak Street - YouTube


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I was pretty sure that it was a joke, but then I saw that my hero and mentor ,Rod was buying into it. So , I began to give more credence to the story. The fact that cach ignored my questions only confirmed to me that it was joke. I received a pm or two from moreluck telling me it was a joke. I responded to one of her pms. I got numerous more pms from other members and I was too tired to answer them so I apologize to those who sent those.

The whole situation reminded me of this song by Roy Clark. I gave partial credence to the thought that Tooner did what I have often thought of doing: making a left at Oak street.

Roy Clark ~ Right or Left at Oak Street - YouTube
Wow you so nailed it. I thought Rods response was reflective of how I feel. As I said before, I wish I could go left.................And the double sweetness is we arent aloud to!!!!!! I can honestly say the only reason I stay is the benefits, as Hubby needs them. Yes they are nice if I would ever need them, but so far so good. I could go back to my old house and have a payment equal to a few hours pay, and so much time to do the other things I love. It is so enticing.
I would never leave browncafe, I actually have more people here, that inspire me, are friends to me, and banter with me than I have in my real life.
Thanks to anyone who missed me.


Retired 23 years
I was pretty sure that it was a joke, but then I saw that my hero and mentor ,Rod was buying into it. So , I began to give more credence to the story. The fact that cach ignored my questions only confirmed to me that it was joke. I received a pm or two from moreluck telling me it was a joke. I responded to one of her pms. I got numerous more pms from other members and I was too tired to answer them so I apologize to those who sent those.

The whole situation reminded me of this song by Roy Clark. I gave partial credence to the thought that Tooner did what I have often thought of doing: making a left at Oak street.

Roy Clark ~ Right or Left at Oak Street - YouTube

Most of the time I don't have a clue what I'm doing or where I'm going so it isn't wise to follow me: Cheech and Chong are more organized than me somethimes.

Cheech & Chong Up in smoke car joke - YouTube


I wish them the best in their search for a simpler life. She will certainly be missed but to say that WE NEED YOU is absurd. No member is greater than the forum as a whole.
I doubt anyone cares. The only reason one would say something like this is to make themselves the center of attention. Is that what this post is?

Tooner, if you really left, best of luck and I hope you achieve big things.

