trump 2016


Well-Known Member
I was joking about the Alien angle, but the New Horizons probe on it's way to Pluto did just go 'off-line'.

It'll come back on-line.

Unless it saw something NASA doesn't want us to see.


(These are the best pictures we have of Pluto - I can't wait for the hi-res flyby pics)


Well-Known Member
so this doofus announced hes running for prez. i think his shows are cheap entertainment and part of the system of control. my guess is he will be a terrible prez but may be better than some of the other republicans.

a vote for the least evil is still evil.

that dofus is currently worth a hell of a lot more money then I am therefore probably a lot smarter then I am. Other then that he is entertaining in a time when all candidates basically regurgitate the same script.


Inordinately Right
that dofus is currently worth a hell of a lot more money then I am therefore probably a lot smarter then I am. Other then that he is entertaining in a time when all candidates basically regurgitate the same script.
He was born worth more money than you and I... doesn't make him smarter than anyone. Money makes money.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
oh oh...

Somebody gots sum more explaining to do....



Well-Known Member
He keeps playing these Trump Cards and they always come back to bite him.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out though, if anything just to have a rich guy put under the spotlight and answer for his statements. Trump is pretty much Wilson Fisk from the Daredevil comic and Netflix show, wealthy enough to go out into public and take every criticism, but in the end he's a villain, and likely laughing maniacally in his hotel.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
No worse than federal labor regulations that cut the knees out from under unions too the privilege, advantage and benefit of employers. A free market violation I might add.

Taking away authority of workplace strike action and sympathy strikes being just one example.

A lot worst. Floods of free labor cutting wages a lot. That wage pressure impacts union jobs too as lower cost undercuts union bids.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
People like you are confusing at times, make that, all the time.

On one hand you say "secure the borders", as if that is going to solve the immigration problems. Its a known fact, and I have pointed this out time after time on this board, and yet, people like you still believe wholeheartedly, that securing the border is the "key" to solving immigration.

On the other hand, you want people to come here "LEGALLY" and screened first, and then you would be ok with it.

But what you cant get through YOUR thick skull, is that the majority of immigrants who come to this country, come here LEGALLY and are SCREENED FIRST.

How many times do I have to review this crap with you types??

Why are you so stuck on BORDER security as a fix all to the immigration problem?

Why are there so many chinese, korean, japanese, vietnamese,Indian hindu/sikh, canadian and european immigrants in this country who are illegal? Did they all run across the desert with the hispanics???

How come, you people just dont understand the real problem with immigration??? Why are you so stuck on building WALLS and putting marines arm in arm acrosss texas to california as if that will solve the problem?

Lets review once again how immigrants come here LEGALLY and then become ILLEGAL... see if you can comprehend it this time around, ok?

1) 41% of all illegal aliens in this country arrived LEGALLY through TOURIST VISAS and then overstay the visa and become (repeat after me) ILLEGAL.

2) 19% of all illegal aliens in this country arrived LEGALLY through STUDENT VISAS and then overstay the visa and become (repeat after me) ILLEGAL.

3) 17% of all illegal aliens in this country arrived LEGALLY through GUEST WORKER VISAS and then overtstay the visa and become (repeat after me) ILLEGAL.

That leaves 23% that jump across a USA border someplace in the USA. Of that 23% that do border jump, you have to divide that number by three distinct borders.

Canada, the East Coast and the Southwest States.

4) of all the border jumpers who ILLEGALLY cross the Canadian border, 9% of the 23% come via Canada.
5) of all the border jumpers who ILLEGALLY cross the East Coast border, 7% of the 23% come via the East Coast.
6) of all the border jumpers who ILLEGALLY cross the Southwest border, 7% of the 23% come via the South West border.

Of the 7% that come across the Southwest border, you have to divide that by 4 States or roughly 1.75% per state in the SouthWest.

Now, you want to build a GIANT WALL across the southwest border to solve 7% of the problem????? How many billions if not trillions will have to be spent on construction, maintenance and operations over the years to prevent a measly 1.75% per state??

93% of the immigration problem will continue to flood the country while YOU and the other "YAY MURRICA" types will run this country into deeper debt building a wall to nowhere, thinking you have the problem solved. Each state along with the government should use reasonable operations to control our border for sure, but spending billions of dollars to build a wall that will have a near ZERO effect on immigration is laughable at best.

All the right wing talk of walls is nothing more than "stupid" food for those inclined to eat off that plate.

If you people actually kept track of illegal immigration, you would know how they care coming here. Of course, its a lot simpler to just pretend that every illegal comes here illegally and runs across the desert dragging their children.

Think it out bro, think it out.

As usual you've completely missed the point. Securing the border isn't just about building walls. We also need to be making sure illegals are promptly returning to their own countries when caught (which rarely happens) whether they snuck in or overstayed their VISAs. We are also waaaaay to liberal with who (many are here to spy and steal secrets and) and how many we let in. Too liberal with who we let stay once caught. And too liberal with how much money we waste on them on social programs. I guess someone like you has to have a family member lose a job to one or be raped/murdered by one in order to see the problem.

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
As usual you've completely missed the point. Securing the border isn't just about building walls. We also need to be making sure illegals are promptly returning to their own countries when caught (which rarely happens) whether they snuck in or overstayed their VISAs. We are also waaaaay to liberal with who (many are here to spy and steal secrets and) and how many we let in. Too liberal with who we let stay once caught. And too liberal with how much money we waste on them on social programs. I guess someone like you has to have a family member lose a job to one or be raped/murdered by one in order to see the problem.

Again you repeat the same diatribe of Donald Trump and rather than learn a lesson from whats happening to Trump, you repeat "I guess someone like you has to have a family member lose a job to one or be raped/murdered" and then catagorized yourself as an idiot, like Trump, then understand how immigration works.

I didnt miss YOUR point at all. Securing the borders means exactly what to a person like YOU? We have three borders to deal with, but as I pointed out to you pretty clearly, 93% of the immigrants who are coming to this country are not coming on our southwest border.

Even if you put marines on all three borders in the USA, you would only affect 23% of the total problem while 77% of the problem will still exist and overwhelm the USA.

How would you propose to catch the 77% of immigrants who overstay the visas?? Shall we organize the Gestapo to search homes? Should they go house to house asking for peoples "papers" ??

There are millions of people coming to this country LEGALLY and then becoming illegal. You cannot stop that unless you change the whole VISA system itself....

The USA will not change the visa system because tourism dollars is KING. If they USA was to limit or make it harder to obtain tourist, student or guest worker visas, the USA would lose millions of dollars in revenue.

If you were SERIOUS about immigration, and not just another blowhard without a clue (Like TRUMP), the first thing to change would be to ELIMINATE GUEST WORKERS from this country, and make those employers who hire these people, hire americans and pay them a decent wage with benefits.

That would mean YOU would have to go against your own political party and vote against them. They continue to pass bills in the house and send them to the senate to INCREASE the number of guest workers in this country. As I pointed out to you, 17% of our immigrants who come here legally as guest workers overstay the visas and become ILLEGAL.

This is done by legislation, and that legislation is created and maintained by your REPUBLICAN PARTY. If an american loses his job to an immigrant, its not the immigrants fault, its the fault of YOUR political party and the employer who benefits from that legislation.

The next thing to fix would be the student visa program. Schools should be FORCED to report to immigration authorities the progress and status of all students.

Students come to the USA, try a couple of semesters, then bail out and simply vanish into country. The schools dont report the missing students to immigration nor do they check the status of the student visa itself. They just TAKE THE MONEY.

Thousands of muslims are entering the country this way. They seem to be the only ones who can afford the best schools in the country and they rarely complete the process and go home.

If the USA just made changes to the guest worker and student visa programs, you could stem the tide of immigrants by 36%.

Of course, the only thing that motivates a person like you is to hear about walls and security. In other words "yay murrica"...

Somehow, violence is going to fix the problem to people like you.

You are incorrect about illegals being returned to their country. President Obama has deported more people back to their homes countries than BUSH did in 8 years already. But that cost money, big money to send people all around the world. Most "yay murrica" types think everyone can be sent to mexico for some odd reason...?

You complain about

"Too liberal with who we let stay once caught. And too liberal with how much money we waste on them on social programs." (YOU)

You are too funny here. Too liberal?? Did you miss that BUSH and your republicans in congress and senate voted to provide protection, housing, education, healthcare and placement for immigrants who come from central america????

How is that a liberal idea?

Under BUSH, 96,000 immigrants from central america processed through these programs and recieved all the benefits you claim to hate while democrats tried to stop them. But of course, people like you listen to the dog whistles of the right wing that tell you that its the democrats who want these people hear so they can become voters.

That works for people like you and I understand that. It also explains why you dont understand the complexities of immigration in this country.

If you truly want to stem the tide of immigration, you would start by abandoning your political parties ideas and fight for change to their methodology.



Well-Known Member
that dofus is currently worth a hell of a lot more money then I am therefore probably a lot smarter then I am. Other then that he is entertaining in a time when all candidates basically regurgitate the same script.

im more interested in his commitment to truth, love and justice, not money, power and cheap entertainment. im sure hes forgotten the former long ago, but its very likely hes never had it.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Again you repeat the same diatribe of Donald Trump and rather than learn a lesson from whats happening to Trump, you repeat "I guess someone like you has to have a family member lose a job to one or be raped/murdered" and then catagorized yourself as an idiot, like Trump, then understand how immigration works.

I didnt miss YOUR point at all. Securing the borders means exactly what to a person like YOU? We have three borders to deal with, but as I pointed out to you pretty clearly, 93% of the immigrants who are coming to this country are not coming on our southwest border.

Even if you put marines on all three borders in the USA, you would only affect 23% of the total problem while 77% of the problem will still exist and overwhelm the USA.

How would you propose to catch the 77% of immigrants who overstay the visas?? Shall we organize the Gestapo to search homes? Should they go house to house asking for peoples "papers" ??

There are millions of people coming to this country LEGALLY and then becoming illegal. You cannot stop that unless you change the whole VISA system itself....

The USA will not change the visa system because tourism dollars is KING. If they USA was to limit or make it harder to obtain tourist, student or guest worker visas, the USA would lose millions of dollars in revenue.

If you were SERIOUS about immigration, and not just another blowhard without a clue (Like TRUMP), the first thing to change would be to ELIMINATE GUEST WORKERS from this country, and make those employers who hire these people, hire americans and pay them a decent wage with benefits.

That would mean YOU would have to go against your own political party and vote against them. They continue to pass bills in the house and send them to the senate to INCREASE the number of guest workers in this country. As I pointed out to you, 17% of our immigrants who come here legally as guest workers overstay the visas and become ILLEGAL.

This is done by legislation, and that legislation is created and maintained by your REPUBLICAN PARTY. If an american loses his job to an immigrant, its not the immigrants fault, its the fault of YOUR political party and the employer who benefits from that legislation.

The next thing to fix would be the student visa program. Schools should be FORCED to report to immigration authorities the progress and status of all students.

Students come to the USA, try a couple of semesters, then bail out and simply vanish into country. The schools dont report the missing students to immigration nor do they check the status of the student visa itself. They just TAKE THE MONEY.

Thousands of muslims are entering the country this way. They seem to be the only ones who can afford the best schools in the country and they rarely complete the process and go home.

If the USA just made changes to the guest worker and student visa programs, you could stem the tide of immigrants by 36%.

Of course, the only thing that motivates a person like you is to hear about walls and security. In other words "yay murrica"...

Somehow, violence is going to fix the problem to people like you.

You are incorrect about illegals being returned to their country. President Obama has deported more people back to their homes countries than BUSH did in 8 years already. But that cost money, big money to send people all around the world. Most "yay murrica" types think everyone can be sent to mexico for some odd reason...?

You complain about

"Too liberal with who we let stay once caught. And too liberal with how much money we waste on them on social programs." (YOU)

You are too funny here. Too liberal?? Did you miss that BUSH and your republicans in congress and senate voted to provide protection, housing, education, healthcare and placement for immigrants who come from central america????

How is that a liberal idea?

Under BUSH, 96,000 immigrants from central america processed through these programs and recieved all the benefits you claim to hate while democrats tried to stop them. But of course, people like you listen to the dog whistles of the right wing that tell you that its the democrats who want these people hear so they can become voters.

That works for people like you and I understand that. It also explains why you dont understand the complexities of immigration in this country.

If you truly want to stem the tide of immigration, you would start by abandoning your political parties ideas and fight for change to their methodology.

Yep, you are clueless. You don't even have the slightest inkling of how immigration works and even less on how enforcement is supposed to work. You are so worried about LEGAL and law abiding white US citizens shooting you with a scary gun but you are more likely to be offed by your own kind with one, or, either hit by a drunk driver illegal alien or murdered with a gun or knife by one. In either case the suspect will have been deported four times before being released to kill you. All thanks to the mental disorder called liberalism.
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