trump 2016

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
That's the problem. It's over exposed to the point that the scandal means nothing.
No the problem is that too many people don't see it as a problem. Yes, most politicians are dirty but there are certain things that even they should be held accountable for and liberals tend to get a pass on them.


Staff member


Engorged Member
I'll admit I thought he was in trouble after FOX News went after him in that debate but it seems he turned the tables on them, he's up in the polls and instead it's Megyn Kelly who pulled a disappearing act.

More proof that we are a nation of idiots and simpletons. Trump speaks in short antagonistic sound bites that his followers can understand, and they eat it up. The problem is, the emperor has no clothes. Trump's "policies" are usually dictates about how he is going to breeze-in and shout down his opponent and tell him how powerful he (Trump) is, that he went to the best schools etc. Do you really think Putin or some other despot could give a rat's ass about The Donald's business accomplishments, which are questionable at best? Trump will be chewed-up and spit-out like a sunflower seed.

Trump would be a dream come true for the world stage, and America would be a complete joke.


Annoy a conservative....Think for yourself
More proof that we are a nation of idiots and simpletons. Trump speaks in short antagonistic sound bites that his followers can understand, and they eat it up. The problem is, the emperor has no clothes. Trump's "policies" are usually dictates about how he is going to breeze-in and shout down his opponent and tell him how powerful he (Trump) is, that he went to the best schools etc. Do you really think Putin or some other despot could give a rat's ass about The Donald's business accomplishments, which are questionable at best? Trump will be chewed-up and spit-out like a sunflower seed.

Trump would be a dream come true for the world stage, and America would be a complete joke.
MrFed The way he talks, you'd think he had a third grader's intelligence and understanding of the world or something. But that's wrong. He has a spoiled brat third grader's intelligence and understanding of the world. All3rd graders should be outraged .


Strength through joy
Here you go. Read it for yourself and see what you think.

BTW: You may need to remember that at the time the 14th was added to the Constitution, the then former slaves held the exact same status in law as so-called illegal aliens do today. The dilemma of what to do with all these "non persons" as a matter of law was the issue.

It's also worth considering that the 14th amendment also help to create the legal concept that would become 20th century corporate personhood which creates into a person with all assigned rights that which is also a completely legal fiction. It's used to grant organic rights to an inorganic entity that by nature itself does not even exist except purely on paper.
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
The debate of who becomes an American citizen by virtue of being born on U.S. soil turns on the words “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Citizenship Clause over time supports the original meaning of that clause, a clause which does not extend citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.
Professor John Eastman—the former dean of Chapman University’s law school and a former law clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas—thoroughly discusses the original meaning of the Citizenship Clause in From Feudalism to Consent. He explores the congressional speeches of two of the clause’s primary authors, Senators Lyman Trumbull and Jacob Howard, and how they made it clear that this part of the amendment only applied to children born to parents who were not citizens of another country.
Professor Lino Graglia’s article in the Texas Review of Law & Politics. In it, the professor explores in greater detail the point , that the 39th Congress—which in 1865 voted for the Thirteenth Amendment and in 1866 voted for the first Civil Rights Act—later in 1866 repackaged the Civil Rights Act’s definition of citizenship in the new Fourteenth Amendment, and that the Civil Rights Act’s original language explicitly excluded citizens of foreign countries.
Graglia also notes that instant citizenship is an incredibly strong magnet that temps foreigners to break our laws. “It is difficult to imagine a more irrational and self-defeating legal system than one which makes unauthorized entry into this country a criminal offense and simultaneously provides perhaps the greatest possible inducements to illegal entry.”


Staff member
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
The debate of who becomes an American citizen by virtue of being born on U.S. soil turns on the words “subject to the jurisdiction thereof.” The Supreme Court’s interpretation of the Citizenship Clause over time supports the original meaning of that clause, a clause which does not extend citizenship to the children of illegal aliens.
Professor John Eastman—the former dean of Chapman University’s law school and a former law clerk to Justice Clarence Thomas—thoroughly discusses the original meaning of the Citizenship Clause in From Feudalism to Consent. He explores the congressional speeches of two of the clause’s primary authors, Senators Lyman Trumbull and Jacob Howard, and how they made it clear that this part of the amendment only applied to children born to parents who were not citizens of another country.
Professor Lino Graglia’s article in the Texas Review of Law & Politics. In it, the professor explores in greater detail the point , that the 39th Congress—which in 1865 voted for the Thirteenth Amendment and in 1866 voted for the first Civil Rights Act—later in 1866 repackaged the Civil Rights Act’s definition of citizenship in the new Fourteenth Amendment, and that the Civil Rights Act’s original language explicitly excluded citizens of foreign countries.
Graglia also notes that instant citizenship is an incredibly strong magnet that temps foreigners to break our laws. “It is difficult to imagine a more irrational and self-defeating legal system than one which makes unauthorized entry into this country a criminal offense and simultaneously provides perhaps the greatest possible inducements to illegal entry.”
I don't think that matters. Just because it wasn't the intent of the Amendment doesn't really nullify what it has come to be. That happens with law.

Bankruptcy was intended to give relief to businesses and individuals. It has come to be used as a method for companies and tycoons to enrich themselves in acquisition and restructuring.


Engorged Member
"It is easier for a camel to pass through a needles eye, than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God."

Jesus has very little to do with Trump, but the morons can think he's a gift from God if they'd like. The Donald showed his ignorance today when he tried to score points off of the Wall Street sell-off by blaming China and saying that nobody knew how to deal with them. Of course, he offered no ideas of his own to solve the issue.

China's economy is slowing-down, and they're doing whatever they can to prop it up and make is seem that it's all OK. It obviously isn't, so maybe Trump should fly over there and tell them how to fix their economy, since he knows everything.

Dumb A-hole.


Engorged Member

I'm sure she likes Donald because he's so handsome and studly OR , maybe it's the bulge in the back of his pants she really loves. She looks like a high-priced call girl.

Oh My God, I just figured it out! Obama isn't the's Trump!! Space God, tell us what to do!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
I'm sure she likes Donald because he's so handsome and studly OR , maybe it's the bulge in the back of his pants she really loves. She looks like a high-priced call girl.

Oh My God, I just figured it out! Obama isn't the's Trump!! Space God, tell us what to do!!


this just in.... Trumps favorability with hispanics is now at .......


Right where it should be. Negative 51. Say goodbye to the nomination you turd!
