Trying to help a co worker retain employment


Got the T-Shirt
BUG, she has told me that she is eligible to receive STD for the first 6 weeks of her 12 week FMLA. Post partum is divided in to 2 halves-----the first 6 weeks is medical while the second is bonding. They will pay you to recover from the birth but not to get to know the baby. The medical portion can be taken intermittently while the bonding must be taken continuously.

The rules differ if both husband and wife work for the same company and both wish to take FMLA at the same time.

I'm not an expert on the subject.

I was more referring to issues prior to FMLA eligibility.

Had an employee that was bedridden at about 4 months.

And that was 10 years ago.

Correct----in West Virginia it is considered a rite of passage.

Come on Dave.

Delete that.

Our Teamsters General Secretary-Treasurer is from West Virginia.

And has one the nicest Union Halls, you have ever seen.

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Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
PT management doesn't have long-term disability ?


There is an exclusion to that.

If you are within x number of weeks of delivery, you would use short term disability.

Inside of that, you use FMLA.

And unless he had documented hours exceeding 1250....

Part-timers only get 6 weeks.

His only hope, might be if UPS was willing to make an ADA accommodated job for him.

He needs to check that aspect. He might qualify.

No, pt only has short term 6 months.and they wont make an accomadation. They really take care of their own. Only 3 of our full time mgmt donated for his go fund me.


Retired 23 years
It sounds like the guy has fallen through the cracks. Too bad. I guess that's what happens if you have actually been a productive citizen and haven't made a career out of being a professional "entitled person". Meanwhile:

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Allergic to cardboard.
It sounds like the guy has fallen through the cracks. Too bad. I guess that's what happens if you have actually been a productive citizen and haven't made a career out of being a professional "entitled person". Meanwhile:

That guy came off as a d-bag with his talk about deportation and "go back where you came from." That being said, when I worked for Coca Cola we saw that any time a big sale would hit. Convenience store owners would haul out carts and carts of 12 packs. Local grocery stores started putting limits on what a customer could buy.


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He would be unable to accrue the minimum number of hours required to be approved for the second round of FMLA.

Good point, the requisite number of hours being worked completely slipped my mind.

Part-timers only get 6 weeks.

Another fact I had forgotten.

It's not bad enough the person has cancer but also has to go through all this misery to try and keep a job to make ends meet.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Thanks to brown cafe, i have some places to direct him, that may possibly be able to give him some advice.

He knows nothing of the "system". It was like steering a mack truck with no power to get him to apply for help with food. Which he certainly is entitled to.
Would be a real good segment on the news. Hohoho, merry Christmas from UPS. You are fired for getting cancer.

Its not like hes never going to be able to come back. 6 more months. And they could make no accommodation.
Tell me again how ups cares for its people.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
One thing i heard is unemployment, since he was released to work, but with a weight limit. No #1, as an oms, he shoudnt lift more than a phone. But they denied it. No light work, aka taw


That’s Craptacular
Thanks to brown cafe, i have some places to direct him, that may possibly be able to give him some advice.

He knows nothing of the "system". It was like steering a mack truck with no power to get him to apply for help with food. Which he certainly is entitled to.
Would be a real good segment on the news. Hohoho, merry Christmas from UPS. You are fired for getting cancer.

Its not like hes never going to be able to come back. 6 more months. And they could make no accommodation.
Tell me again how ups cares for its people.

He needs to call HRSC and apply for FMLA.

PT sups are guaranteed (as I understand it) 27 hours a week...which would approx. equal 1400 hours a year. Given that...he would qualify for 12 weeks of FMLA, instead of 6. If you sign up for "intermittent" FMLA, you can take single days off, blocks of days or single weeks...but he would not have to take all 12 weeks (or 6 weeks if that's all he qualifies for) in one shot if he didn't want to. He can spread it out between now and the end of the year, so days he feels up to it he can work, and days he needs off, he can take an FMLA day.
He can reapply in December for FMLA for next year.