UPS hand signal


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
About twenty years ago there was three of us that drove these old Ford straight vans in a mall-industrial area. If we pulled up to an intersection at the same time, a right arm straight out salute was given, Nazi style. (They were called "The Brown Shirt Party" at one time). It always got a laugh. The guy that started this once clicked his heels together and saluted the center manager after a PCM, he eventually went to Feeder and a surprise drug screen found something. The other guy is in Feeder now, and if I pass him around the lot, we still do it ocassionally, for old times sake.

Of course this is politically incorrect and would be rightfully offensive to some. It would be nice like BrownCorpGal posted that we could have something unique and inoffensive that we could gesture at each other with.


Imaginary Gun to the head and pulling the trigger, thats what I would do. You can throw in a funny face like you've just blew your brains out.E


Well-Known Member
:crying: Its not funny any more when you flip off a fellow driver and someone else sees you and thinks it was for them and reports you.
Hi everybody, good to see that this thread has gotten back to the original topic. After work yesterday I happened to see a package car. I couldn't help but think of these postings. I just know if I were a driver, I'd love to know that another Brown blooded individual had my back.


Theres other hand signals too,like opening and closing your hand lets a fellow trucker know they left thier signal on.


golden ticket member
ds....In California if someone leaves their blinker mistakenly on for longer than 10 seconds, we're allowed to shoot 'em !!