Voter fraud


Inordinately Right
Ah but it WAS reported on legitimate news sites. Despite whatever you might have wished. You can google and find your own source since you would complain about any I posted.
Bottom line is you fell for the BS that is posted on the ultra winger sites. They got your click, got their advertising money, and left you even less informed than before you went there. Misinformation at it's finest.

I don't like that it's legal, for either political party, but it is. I'd prefer absentee ballots be reserved for people who actually can't get to a polling place, but that's not the way the system works. Republicans overuse the absentee ballot system too, just ask moreluck how she usually votes.


nowhere special
Obama's 'Dreamer' agenda is payback for illegal alien votes: Study
A significant number of voters who were not citizens cast illegal ballots in U.S. elections and the possibility exists that those unlawful ballots helped President Barack Obama to win the election in 2008, according to two public-interest organizations, one of which is located on the campus of the left-leaning Harvard University campus. While the study was originally aimed at dispelling claims of significant voter fraud, it surprisingly confirms that elections are in some cases being stolen.


golden ticket member


Annoy a liberal today. Hit them with facts.
Isn't telling someone not allowed to vote, according to our laws, how to go about voting, illegal and voter fraud?
I think so, and they are using the states that's don't require ID to pull it off.
A strong case for mandatory voter ID laws if you ask me.