Well, it worked for a boat, how 'bout a dog?


I started this.
Staff member

More's suggestions are all good.


Have fun with your puppy!


Well-Known Member
Seeing as she is a rescue puppy and your are giving her Liberty, that might be a good name and she can be called "Libby" for short.

Good luck with your "new baby girl"


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
Kinda looks like mine. Everyone thinks shes a weimeriner. Shes a white doberman, a genetic mistake, not rare, just odd. Named annabelle, changed to blue belle, as I have a tikibelle. She is totally on full charge, but Gawd I love her. Rescue dogs are the best. Shes in her cage now, ate my dish remote:biting:, but I love her.:happy2:


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
IMO you want two syllables at the most. While Arizona and Dakota are great dog names, its hard to shorten it, so you are standing there yelling ar iz on a, or da ko ta, and it takes them longer to learn to respond, not to mention its a pain in the a**.


Well-Known Member
Congrats on your new baby! She will be a beauty.

We've always given some time to naming our pets, watching their behavior and testing names.

One dog, we just couldn't figure out until I said to my husband, "she's just sweet as sugar". She looked up at me and, I swear, smiled. So Sugar it was and a perfect name.

Digger the rabbit loves to dig at the carpet.
Pouncer the cat.
Recued Mew from a shelter and he talked all the way home.
Squeak started as Lucky but he squeaked when he yawned.

My sister lived in Wyoming for years and goes with names like Saratoga (toga), Cheyenne, Shoshone (Shoni) Sundance and so forth.

Take your time, see what the pup responds to and have fun!


Dillweed. I have a Squeak too. She never truly developed a meow. It's more of a squeak. She a tortoise shell. My black cat my husband named. We rescued him from under the house when he was about 5/6 wks old. He jumped up in my husbands lap the next day and my husband asked him, 'what are you doing little scooper?'. His name became scooper, but he answers to that or pooper. My other cat I didn't name but it fits him to a tee. Richard Cranium. He goes by Richard. LOL

My 2 boxer girls are Ziza, Liza.


Well-Known Member
Aretha might be a good name and every time you call her you might be reminded of the best female soul singer and her classic hit RESCUE ME


Well-Known Member
This is a goldmine of good names. I like dilli's cinnamon.

I like the longer names becuase you can play around with them, shortening and making rhymes. It's the best of fun to figure out what type of dog it will be.

Our cattle dog is the busiest thing we've ever seen. Most of our dogs have been pretty mellow but if there's nothing happening, Dotry will make it happen.