What can I get promoted to as UPS?


Huge Member
Thanks for the only serious answer here. Everyone else here is being ignorant.

Yeah I wanted to become one because of the increased pay, less physical strain, and will look good on my resume when I look for other jobs.

Now if I was staying at Ups for a long time, I could see why its a bad position and why everyone on these forums crys about it lmao. But I don't intend on staying here long.

And from what I know, they are paid weekly. Maybe bi weekly possibly. Def not monthly. Also, they have no idea how long I am staying here so no reason they should not train me lol


Ignore posters who wouldn't be allowed to manage a goldfish.

You're a college student so I think using the experience of managing people and working for a Fortune 500 company will help you in your next career step. Talk to fellow PT sups but in my area, management is paid once a month. I find it hard to believe it would be different elsewhere.


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Huge Member
Hey Waldo

The dude is in college and has no plans to work here his life.
The experience of managing people will give him the experience he/she needs to excel in whatever endeavor they will graduate in later.

Not everyone wants to be a package donkey


Well-Known Member
A guy I helped last night asked me the same question. I'm a union employee, but if you have roughly 1-1 1/2 years left of school, go for management if you don't want to become a lifer. I know lots of drivers who have college degrees but stay union because of a better outlook and job security.

UPS supervisor looks amazing on a resume if you're going for business. I know of 3 former pt supervisors who ended up with great careers after UPS. Then I know some pt supervisors who have no college degree and are stuck making $300 after 10 years at UPS.
Also could join the National Guard or Reserve Component. Either enlisted or ROTC. Extra money and help pay for your school expenses. Looks even better on a resume then PT sup. Or do both. Very few PT sups ever learn how to manage people. Just parrots walking around saying "hurry, hurry. You're not working fast enough."


Well-Known Member
And honestly I think to become a pt supervisor you shouldn't be considered until you have at least 1 year in. Although by then most figure out it's not a good career, just a stepping stone.