What is the REAL reason negotiations have stalled?


Well-Known Member
This time it was $35.8 billion, so.....
I can't remember exactly when, but I believe it might been as late as last December that Central States received perhaps as much as half of the money allocated for all the multi-employer pension plans struggling. Can't quite recall the exact numbers from '97, but I think UPS wanted to pay what amounted to $750 million in exit fees to leave it behind then. It ended up being far more years later when they finally did and the cash infusion by that point temporarily boosted it's funds from 54% to maybe as much as 70%, which still is considered way underfunded.


Well-Known Member
Funny that the company hand picks these stories and it wasn’t because of part timers on their own accord explaining how great the wages and working conditions are for part timers. I was a part timer for 16.5 years and had to do everything thing I could to make ends meet for my family. Working double shifts, going out as a driver helper at the drop of a hat, it was a hustle for sure but UPS wasn’t gonna make it easy. There was a time where I was on a very short list in the western region I don’t remember how many states but I haas number 3 on that list for part timers with the most overtime. The company knows who works and how much we work. It’s about time they stop fkcing around and create the full time jobs part timers like me created out of thin air. I was tired of hearing about the bs of them saying they are gonna make more 22.3 jobs. I went driving as a 22.4, promotion to rpcd and I’m now a seniority feeder driver about to hit 20 years with the company. One thing I know about this company they don’t give two fks about how many hours you put in as long as their numbers look good. Working here you have to find the hustle.

The Range

In too deep

eats packages

Deranged lunatic
As somebody who pulled himself up by his boot straps and worked with a 104 degree fever during Covid, I think attendance should be more than a cardinal sin—it should invoke capital punishment.

A couple part timers get publicly executed during break and all of a sudden no more attendance issues.
2 more degrees and the heat would liquify your muscles, shutdown like 4 different organs. Did you bring a thermometer? lol.

I'm not immune to this work culture which is part of why I did not immediately call an ambulance in my case. But I don't justify it as being a man lol I just like pushing buttons, observing poor behavior through example. Now that new shiny button I get to push the next time I am suffering heat exhaustion with a covid co-factor is the ambulance next go around.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
You would think if the contract details were so good ups would have leaked them some way or some how, ups loves a good public image