what should i do??

I was disqualified from driving back in April of this year for health reasons. Im a cover driver out of *************. My center manager disqualified me for 90 days so i can get back to good health. I have a doctors clearance letter stating than im back to 100% heath. I went to my center manager after my 90 days where up that was in mid September. My manager has been telling me since mid september that its up to human resources on when i can go back to driving when im needed to cover routes. Ive been constantly getting the run around with both my manager and human resources with both of them telling me its up to one or the other on who decides when i can go back to cover driving. Heres my main question ive seen other cover drivers with less senority than my self out driving before myself. Ive allready talked to my shop steward about the situation im in and they tell me to keep filing grievances on the less senority drivers who are driving.

How should i go about this situation should i continue to keep filing grievances or should i just wait for the center manager to call me for a route?

I honestly dont know what i should really do.

Im looking for advice on what i should do.
thankyou in advance Bill
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I'm not a full time driver I'm a part time cover driver.I was having chest pains while out on a route.I've been cleared bye my doctor. I have filed 3 grievances and my shop steward is telling me to be cautious about going through with them and that's what I'm planning to do. I'm just really not to sure on what to do.


Well-Known Member
I would think that this should not be an issue with Peak almost here--the test will come once Peak is done. I personally would hold off on any formal action until after Peak.


My Senior Picture
Keep filing!!!!
Stack up the paper on them, that's what they would do to you.
If you feel you're being passed over, why care what the center manager thinks about a grievance?
He'll get over it and will know better next time he considers discounting your rights.
Why are people so scared to stickup for themselves?
My only question is, did you drive enough days on your first go around to qualify?
If not, you may have to wait till the next opportunity afforded by seniority
Not sure what a part time cover driver is to be honest.
In the central region where I am the only part time drivers are Art 40 air drivers.


Well-Known Member
Keep filing!!!!
Stack up the paper on them, that's what they would do to you.
If you feel you're being passed over, why care what the center manager thinks about a grievance?
He'll get over it and will know better next time he considers discounting your rights.
Why are people so scared to stickup for themselves?
My only question is, did you drive enough days on your first go around to qualify?
If not, you may have to wait till the next opportunity afforded by seniority.
Not sure what a part time cover driver is to be honest.
In the central region where I am the only part time drivers are Art 40 air drivers.

Just curious, and not wanting to start anything with you, but how can you advise him to file if you are not fully aware of his situation?

BTW, a part time cover driver, or casual driver as we call them here, is a driver who is not FT and does not have his own delivery area. In our center they are sometimes allowed to work on the inside to get their hours if they are not driving.


My Senior Picture
Just curious, and not wanting to start anything with you, but how can you advise him to file if you are not fully aware of his situation?

BTW, a part time cover driver, or casual driver as we call them here, is a driver who is not FT and does not have his own delivery area. In our center they are sometimes allowed to work on the inside to get their hours if they are not driving.

Because he has had the fortitude to file 3 already.
In the grievance process their is always a bonified dispute to be settled.
It doesn't need to be taken personally by either party.
It's what the process is for.
In my building the steward/agents would not entertain a grievance that's not supported by contractual language.
My point was that there need not be any fear in protecting ones contractual rights.
We need not be fearful to file a grievance when a violation is perceived.
Management and Union should be able sort it out without fear of intimidation or retaliation.


Pineapple King
Let me ask this are you in the north end of the building or the south end? I assume from where your from you work in my building.