What's your phone number?


Geek in Brown
I usually don't give out my cell to any customers regardless of how long I'm covering a route because of a bad experience I had of a business abusing it. I'm currently doing an extended cover for a guy out for several weeks and a few of his scheduled pickups asked for my number so they could call me if they didn't have anything going out to save me a trip. I reluctantly gave it to them and so far no issues.

Just wondering....do you give out your personal cell# to any customers and what experiences have you had?


Well-Known Member
So your going to close out stops that you are no where near? It takes one time for someone to call and say we don't have anything but miss that there is actually an important package going out. I wouldn't chance it. The only time I close out a pickup early is if I am delivering their ground and they say "don't come back". I will then stop complete the stop while I am standing in the business.


Yes, I know I'm working late.
I only gave my # to 3 or 4 customers and told them not to abuse it or give it out. I know a driver that gets calls all day long from resi customers asking if they got a pkg. Most of them didnt even order anything. Most people dont have a clue what a driver goes through in a day.

3 done 3 to go

In control of own destiny
Yes I give my number out. I give them a set time they can call. If it's past the time. I say it's. After "say " 1pm. I'm. Out of that area. Or you can meet me on my schedule. In this town. Most will


Well-Known Member
I have given out my number to a few customer (small business) they don't abuse it benefits both of us one sometimes meet me on the road and the other calls if If they have anything going out after I do my delivery they might call once or twice a year. I don't give it out to residential customers and I don't call customers from my phone.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
I have only a few and like upsguy72, it benefits us both. They are unmanned warehouses, and it benefits me to get their packages out of truck, or I set up a meet in 10 and they are there. I also have their number written in my truck so cover drivers can call them and do the same. Its usually big ugly stuff, and 9xs out of ten, they are not at their warehouse.


Retired 23 years
For 3/4 of my career cell phones weren't even invented.---------------except for maybe those 10 pound big :censored2: bag phones.