Will There Be Violence on November 9th?


Well-Known Member
Not elitist at all. Homer and his ilk simply aren't qualified for many of the jobs that foreigners and immigrants are getting. If you recall, we were talking about Silicon Valley. Raj or Wong, who both have graduate degrees and tech skills, are going to get the job...not Homer.

A high school degree or less isn't going to help much in an increasingly tech centered economy.

Trump has conned Homer (and you) into thinking that high paying manufacturing jobs are coming back...they aren't.

we were conned by hope and change for 8 years, guess we can put up with Trumps con job for 4 or more.

Whats 9.5?

Well-Known Member
IMO, there will be a lot of unhappy deplorables who feel they've been wronged and need to act out. Trump, who is perhaps the most masterful demagogue in American history, has fed such a string of lies to you people that you will probably feel the need to rise-up and defend a "rigged", "unfair", and "illegal" election.

Lock and load, morons.
It's ironic reading this and then seeing how it all went down. It's pretty much 100% accurate except it's the democrats lol


Retired 22 years
Somewhere out there are the tapes of Trump uttering the N word, evidence of an underage rape, or illegal financial deals. Wait for it.

99% of adults have probably uttered the N word in their life. Probably 100% of African Americans. Sure Trump has dirty laundry---who don't? Obama has had all his dirty laundry sealed since the first day he became President --actually even before that. His will be hung out someday too. Wait for it.


nowhere special
Some people definitely need to learn the difference.
And then they should revisit the black lives matter threads.


should you wake up from your sleep walking and decide to exercise your constitutionally protected first amendment to protest moneyed interests controlling your government, you might be next to be called a "terrorist" and will lose your liberties which would would have otherwise had if you didnt fall for the hysteria over terrorism.

the only major terrorist problem in america is federal government terrorism bombing and droning and supporting dictators around the world.


Engorged Member
I got mad respect for MrFedEx coming back after all he said.
That other guy that hasn't returned better watch out that President-Elect Trump doesn't grab him cuz he's a big ......

I don't think Trump expected to win. Now, he has to deliver on a boatload of promises to those who voted for him. He has to put all of his business interests into a blind trust, and his kids cannot be involved...at all.

The protesting? Worthless. Trump won, get the eff over it.