Working through vacations no longer an option


Well-Known Member
Working through a scheduled vacation is wrong because people with lower seniority weren't able to bid on that week during vacation selection.;]

where is the protection against this?
getting worked over by a fellow teamster.:nono2:


No It's not green grocer!
Socks can`t remember all the stories he tells, one day he is unloading trailers by himself, the next day he saw some sup unload a trailer by himself, the next day he has to walk to another building to see the operation!!

Keep em comin Socks, I am waiting on the edge of my seat for your next one!!


Well-Known Member
This, right here, is a no-brainer. Dilligaf is right. Dilligaf would win, hands down. It's been tried many times and lost many times by mgmt.

Just out of curiosity, why would she win this? Under what article? Seems getting paid for a more senior driver working, even on vacation, would be counter intuitive?

not disagreeing, just asking...


Well-Known Member
Just out of curiosity, why would she win this? Under what article? Seems getting paid for a more senior driver working, even on vacation, would be counter intuitive?

not disagreeing, just asking...

Dilli would have a solid grievance in this case. Any cover or casual driver who is on layoff and has the opportunity to work but is denied because the seniority driver chooses to work through his/her vacation would have the right and basis to file a grievance. My intention when I asked if I could work my vacation was that I not displace anyone in doing so as this would obviously be unfair. I bid the week with the intent of not working and if I were to change my mind after the fact and opt to work and the casual was displaced that casual would have basis for a grievance.

All of this because I simply wanted some extra money for Christmas.:happy2:


Well-Known Member
The funny thing about this situation is it is a great example of a no win scenario for management.

The hourlies who want to work through vacation, will bitch that management did not let them, and management in this company sucks.

Those that see a driver work through vacation will file a grievance, say I can't believe management allowed that, and say management in this company sucks.

The one thing they agree on, management in this company sucks.



Well-Known Member
The hourlies who want to work through vacation, will bitch that management did not let them, and management in this company sucks.

Don't recall any bitching on my part. I simply asked my on-car if I could work without displacing anyone and he told me that finance no longer allows hourlies to work through their vacations. I thanked him and will make plans for my vacation.

Those that see a driver work through vacation will file a grievance, say I can't believe management allowed that, and say management in this company sucks.

The grievance will be filed if the driver is allowed to work, especially if it is a prime week, and another driver also wanted to bid that week but it was closed out or if he is allowed to work while there are drivers on layoff.

The one thing they agree on, management in this company sucks.

Management sucks when it allows inconsistencies.