“Change” vs “Draining the Swamp”

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
No. He went to AA and stayed there for 11 years. *shrug*

Btw, Im not religious. Spiritual, sure. Just to bring it to your attention.

Too many homeless shelters offering food and churches handing out bowls of gumbo at night. Homelessness is ALMOST always due to poor choices. Its kinda hard to feel bad given we are currently a Capitalist country with mountains of opportunity out there.

I remember one time I actually offered to buy a homeless guy some food and he said flat out, "Na, I just want the money for some beer". Which, Im not hating. If I was sleeping next to a trash can Id want to be drunk too...
Mental health issues are not a poor choice.


Well-Known Member
Mental health issues are not a poor choice.
I disagree. Ive never met a single person who had mental health issues that were not in some way related to drugs. However, I have never met a person with drug or alcohol issues who didnt exhibit what some might interpret as mental health issues.

Psychiatry is a pseudo-science. Hocus pocus...

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
I'll make a brief comment here about Critical Thinking skills. If you support the Con Man in the White House, you don't have any demonstrable ability to discern fakery and lies from reality. I can understand why you might support him on one issue (abortion, for example), but this presidency has been an utter disaster. If God were real, He (capitalized for you, not me) would have struck Trump dead years ago. The existence of such a thug as the most powerful "leader' in the world speaks volumes about an impotent god (small "g") who either tolerates evil or is incapable of stopping it. Either way, Trump's mere existence and rise to power point to a feckless group of cuckold Republican voters who want an authoritarian to "lead" them because they lack the ability to think and reason for themselves. Too much work for lazy Conservitards who want government checks. Far too easy to watch FOX or read Breitbart and be led like lambs to the slaughter. Blame the "socialists" who happen to be far more patriotic than the 8th grade idiot with the jacked-up 4x4 who thinks only in terms of Guns, God, and Trump. Sorry, but Trump is all on you. Fecal matter has a higher standing than the draft dodging, P-grabbing loser who won by lying like the orange rug on his head.

Is Biden a great candidate? No. But, at this point, anyone other than Donald Trump is a better choice. I'd even vote for Fred ahead of the man who wants to be the next Stalin.

Eff you, Orange Fuhrer. I await the Bible-loving haters.
You sound like someone's deranged uncle at Thanksgiving.

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Where is God these days with Covid-19 and everything else bad that is happening? Nowhere to be found. This is really bad, not just your usual sin and sot business. Is He on vacation, or just not there? I'll go with "Not There" for $1000, Alex.
I love it when people who don't understand even the most basic tenets of Christianity use their own ignorance as proof of no God.


59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
If the GOP was smart and that would be asking a lot of them they would give Trump a taste of his won medicine and throw him under the bus then go concentrate of holding on to the senate.
"Hey let's turn our back on the guy that the party's voters support at a rate that we never thought possible."

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
It was a personal attack against Maddow. You MAGAts ALWAYS turn to personal attacks when the facts are in contradiction to your core beliefs. When your core beliefs are shown to be false, your brain turns to other defensive measures without you even knowing what you are doing.
So what's your justification for resorting to personal attacks here when someone disagrees with you?

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
So did people just suddenly stop giving him money, and he recovered instantly????? Sounds like pure BS. Another MAGAt recently posted about cause and effect. And I never said anything about giving people free money- I said feed the poor and care for the sick. Something that MAGAts- who claim that religion is so important and that they follow Christ- don't want to do.
Where in the Bible does God say that taxes should be levied to provide food or anything else to the poor? How about you stop telling Christians what they're supposed to believe until you smarten yourself up about Christianity?

Non sequitur

Well-Known Member
Gas under $2, interest rates under 3%, housing and auto sales booming, and I have seen a huge wave of minorities (not illegals) hired into a solid middle class jobs at UPS. How and why would anyone think of going back to the status quo. Colorblind facts

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I disagree. Ive never met a single person who had mental health issues that were not in some way related to drugs. However, I have never met a person with drug or alcohol issues who didnt exhibit what some might interpret as mental health issues.

Psychiatry is a pseudo-science. Hocus pocus...
Drug abuse is often a symptom of mental health issues. Addiction is a disease.


Well-Known Member
Drug abuse is often a symptom of mental health issues. Addiction is a disease.
We could go round for round in this like every other topic. *shrug* I know several psychiatrists who say they tell their patients they wont even work with them until they have quit all drug and alcohol use, because its too painful to be involved and the issues never get resolved. Likely knowing that once the drugs and alcohol are out of the system, 90% or greater of their distress will resolve itself.

Course, there's always the entrepreneur psychiatrist that says the solution is "MORE DRUGS!!!"

Having doctors and nurses in my family, theyve told me about drug reps coming in, usually women in skimpy clothes, selling their drugs to doctors, signing contracts with them to sell them, sometimes sealing the deal with a little "under the table knob jobs". The medical fields are all rampant with corruption. But, as always, you be to yours, me be to mine

59 Dano

I just want to make friends!
Most people can use drugs with no issues. Some people suffer from addiction. I’m in favor of people being free to make their own choices.
I've wavered back and forth and have settled on not legalizing. I'm in favor of people being free to make their own choices as well, but an orderly society places limits on the harm that people can do to themselves and others.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
I've wavered back and forth and have settled on not legalizing. I'm in favor of people being free to make their own choices as well, but an orderly society places limits on the harm that people can do to themselves and others.
To support that view you’d have to argue that prohibition limits that harm. I don’t believe there’s evidence to support that.


Well-Known Member
I've wavered back and forth and have settled on not legalizing. I'm in favor of people being free to make their own choices as well, but an orderly society places limits on the harm that people can do to themselves and others.
Agree. Ppl who have that experimental gene in them are going to find a way to do it regardless. Even right now with it still illegal, there's a certain........... kind........ of ppl that stand in the middle of the street smoking blunts. Imagine what this certain............ kind........... of ppl would do if it were legal.


Well-Known Member
Agree. Ppl who have that experimental gene in them are going to find a way to do it regardless. Even right now with it still illegal, there's a certain........... kind........ of ppl that stand in the middle of the street smoking blunts. Imagine what this certain............ kind........... of ppl would do if it were legal.
Imagine alcohol being legal ... what would people do if it’s legal ??