710 vote results?


Well-Known Member
The reason the vote was so one sided is because the national 705 and every other local union either voted yes to or had this contract pushed through. I voted no but Realistically we were never going to strike and if we did we would not have the support we needed nationally. Had 705 voted no we potentially could have had a stronger bargaining position.

For what its worth I have only been at brown for a couple of years and I still am thankful for the incredible pay and bennis we receive. The two jobs I had before driving at ups both reduced benefits significantly while I was working for them. One was a teamster job that also went from a 90/10 company plan to an 80/20 team care plan with much higher deductibles, premiums, and out of pocket expenses. This teamster position offered no pension and no retiree health coverage.

Sadly the world we live in today with corporate greed, inflated health care cost, and a slimmer meaner more competitive economy that translates to companies asking more from employees and passing insurance cost on down the line. Thank you to you veteran upsers who have worked and fought hard for the opportunity for me to make a great living at ups. We still have the best compensation package in the industry and it could be worse. I've lived worse. Let's just hope next contract we can push harder for better things.

Cheers and happy Friday


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
The reason the vote was so one sided is because the national 705 and every other local union either voted yes to or had this contract pushed through. I voted no but Realistically we were never going to strike and if we did we would not have the support we needed nationally. Had 705 voted no we potentially could have had a stronger bargaining position.

For what its worth I have only been at brown for a couple of years and I still am thankful for the incredible pay and bennis we receive. The two jobs I had before driving at ups both reduced benefits significantly while I was working for them. One was a teamster job that also went from a 90/10 company plan to an 80/20 team care plan with much higher deductibles, premiums, and out of pocket expenses. This teamster position offered no pension and no retiree health coverage.

Sadly the world we live in today with corporate greed, inflated health care cost, and a slimmer meaner more competitive economy that translates to companies asking more from employees and passing insurance cost on down the line. Thank you to you veteran upsers who have worked and fought hard for the opportunity for me to make a great living at ups. We still have the best compensation package in the industry and it could be worse. I've lived worse. Let's just hope next contract we can push harder for better things.

Cheers and happy Friday
I wouldn't image anyone would deny that our total compensation plan is the best in the business. The fearfull thing is that concessions in general are a slippery slope to walk down. If we give up what we have when the company is doing this well, just imagine for a moment what we will be looking at in future contracts when profits aren't so generous. Just sayin.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
That's why I support RTW laws. So unhappy people can voice their disapproval by taking back their union dues.
And since you said "the union doesn't need people like you", it's a win-win.
You voice your disapproval by voting the jackasses out that you don't agree with. RTW laws are put in place to eradicate unions, period!!! Support RTW and watch your great job, great pay, great benefits, right to grieve a discharge, right to fight harassment, right to have ANY opinions of your own that actually matter at work. Very quickly your great job turns into just another typical job, and by the way, the average employee in the U.S., statistically speaking, only stays at his non-union job less than 18 month before quitting to find a better one. That is no coincidence my man. It is tough to find a good non union job. So keep supporting those right to work laws and maybe you can look for a new job every year and a half cause yours has turned to crap because the union was broken apart by all the chaos that is created when you have free loading scabs and dues paying teamsters in the same building doing the same job. Right to work is simply the right to work for far less on every level. If you want a scan job, go find one somewhere else!! Leave mine alone. Hypocritical freeloaders are RTW supporters.


Got the T-Shirt
Very sad day for the rank and file and unions as a whole. We work for a global corporation that has had a profit, not a revenue but a PROFIT of nearly 10 billion dollars in the last 2 years. That would be $10,000,000,000 !!!!!!!!!!!! Yet the company and the union work side by side to push through a concessionary contract that they sell to the hard working employeesvas a "strong" contract. Reality is that "we" just voted for a decrease in insurance benefits, a decrease in retiree benefits and showed UPS and our union leaders that we are willing to wait over a year and a half past or contract expiration date to take as many cuts in our benefits as they decide to force on us no matter how much PROFIT they make. The union is happy, hourly increases= higher dues payments. Shove us all into Teamcare= strengthen that plan and we loose our plan that is far superior. It is truly sickening to watch OUR union hold hands with the company on this agreement. So the "members" have spoken, 4 to 1 in favor, we all need to remember that we, or at least someone before us fought hard for these benefits, funny how very few have the backbone to fight to retain them. You will all receive your retroactive paycheck, but remember, when you retire, the increase in retirement insurance premiums you will have to will offset that little check in the first 10 months or so, the rest comes out of your pocket= tens of thousands of dollars worth. Congratulations!

Just pay dues for the first time ?

I'm not TDU. Never have been and never will be.


As I have stated, I am a reformer.

Uh.. that's TDU.

Who else is there ?



Well-Known Member
You voice your disapproval by voting the jackasses out that you don't agree with. RTW laws are put in place to eradicate unions, period!!! Support RTW and watch your great job, great pay, great benefits, right to grieve a discharge, right to fight harassment, right to have ANY opinions of your own that actually matter at work. Very quickly your great job turns into just another typical job, and by the way, the average employee in the U.S., statistically speaking, only stays at his non-union job less than 18 month before quitting to find a better one. That is no coincidence my man. It is tough to find a good non union job. So keep supporting those right to work laws and maybe you can look for a new job every year and a half cause yours has turned to crap because the union was broken apart by all the chaos that is created when you have free loading scabs and dues paying teamsters in the same building doing the same job. Right to work is simply the right to work for far less on every level. If you want a scan job, go find one somewhere else!! Leave mine alone. Hypocritical freeloaders are RTW supporters.
18 months? That's better than UPS turnover with Teamster representation. Most new hires don't last a week.

Also where has a RTW law ever caused someone to lose paying benefits? Only Obamacare has done that.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Just pay dues for the first time ?


Uh.. that's TDU.

Who else is there ?

Yea, I just paid them for the first time this month. Oh, but wait........do you want me to include the 384 months of dues I've paid in the last 32 years. How about the 744 months of dues my father and grandfather paid as they were building this union that is so discounted in this day and age. What's your point big scab guy? Why so passive-aggressive? If you've got something to say, say it!!


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
18 months? That's better than UPS turnover with Teamster representation. Most new hires don't last a week.

Also where has a RTW law ever caused someone to lose paying benefits? Only Obamacare has done that.
Seriously! RTW has devastated union membership in every state that has implemented it. Simple fact. No union=wages and benefits decrease. That point can not be argued, at least not intelligently. Try again.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Why are all you scabs I'm this UNION thread anyway. Start a scab thread, or maybe a wanna be scab thread. I'm sure you'll find plenty of like minded, right-wing, union hating, hypocrites that you can hold hands with.

710 steward

Well-Known Member
Just pay dues for the first time ?


Uh.. that's TDU.

Who else is there ?


Not going to get into a debate on this topic. One can be for reform and not be TDU. I an not a member, never have been a member, or have zero interest in their movement. Again cartoons aren't my thing. Rebuild the IBT is anything but pro TDU. You may choose to believe differently about that group. I believe and welcome intelligent people sharing ideas moving forward. If you enjoy the status quo then continue to enjoy failing membership, pension systems, and weaker contracts due to less members.


Well-Known Member
Seriously! RTW has devastated union membership in every state that has implemented it. Simple fact. No union=wages and benefits decrease. That point can not be argued, at least not intelligently. Try again.
Really? Is that so? According to labor statistics union membership has grown by .5% in RTW states & declined 4.5% in non-RTW states. Where did you learn that lie?
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Well-Known Member
Why are all you scabs I'm this UNION thread anyway. Start a scab thread, or maybe a wanna be scab thread. I'm sure you'll find plenty of like minded, right-wing, union hating, hypocrites that you can hold hands with.
We love our union. Just hate seeing our fellow members emotions manipulated with the anti-RTW hysteria while our hc benefits are legislated & bargained away by the very people that claim to be looking out for us.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Really? Is that so? According to labor statistics union membership has grown by 5% in RTW states & declined 4.5% in non-RTW states. Where did you learn that lie?
That sir, is a ridiculous lie. Spewing out nonsensical garbage like that is the hallmark of the right-wingers. I challenge you to post a link backing that bull sh#% up. That's what I thought. There is no such statistical data. You just outed yourself scab!


Well-Known Member
That sir, is a ridiculous lie. Spewing out nonsensical garbage like that is the hallmark of the right-wingers. I challenge you to post a link backing that bull sh#% up. That's what I thought. There is no such statistical data. You just outed yourself scab!
Challenge accepted. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013....look back to 2006 to see that membership declined in RTW states 4.5% while membership in RTW states grew. Also, this just in...O.J. Did it.



You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
We love our union. Just hate seeing our fellow members emotions manipulated with the anti-RTW hysteria while our hc benefits are legislated & bargained away by the very people that claim to be looking out for us.
Love your union!!??!! You love your benefits! You see the union as a burden, hence the RTW crap. My guess is you have no idea what a Union even stands for. Your a hypocrite. You want the wages and benefits without the "burden" of paying dues. Frankly, you make me a little sick.


You can't hurt my feelings, I left them at home.
Challenge accepted. Bureau of Labor Statistics 2013....look back to 2006 to see that membership declined in RTW states 4.5% while membership in RTW states grew. Also, this just in...O.J. Did it.

Your worthless chart only proves my point. A steady decline in union membership since the Reagan years (RTW inception). You are a buffoon. Thank you for proving my point. No state info at all. By the way, in the few states that "might" have shown a slight improvement, which you haven't even shown. Remember that most were RTW when these companies moved in for the lower wages and benies, then unionized when they saw how bad they were being treated. Friggin scab.


I started this.
Staff member
Friendly reminder @standtall :

Discussion can be animated, which is fine, but we do not welcome personal attacks, on- or off-board. Derogatory, insulting, or belittling statements, directed at other members as well as direct or indirect personal attacks are not permitted on our forum.

It is fine to disagree with a different viewpoint, but please limit this to challenging the idea and not make your comments a personal challenge or make derogatory personal comments about individuals or their choices or circumstances, which disparage their ideas, opinions, their occupation or their personal situation. These examples are not exhaustive. Insulting or disparaging another member is a personal attack regardless of the manner in which it is done. These offensive comments are contrary to the spirit of legitimate, reasoned debate and damaging to the purpose of our community.

Read more: http://www.browncafe.com/community/help/terms


Well-Known Member
Your worthless chart only proves my point. A steady decline in union membership since the Reagan years (RTW inception). You are a buffoon. Thank you for proving my point. No state info at all. By the way, in the few states that "might" have shown a slight improvement, which you haven't even shown. Remember that most were RTW when these companies moved in for the lower wages and benies, then unionized when they saw how bad they were being treated. Friggin scab.
Union accountability makes our union & all unions stronger. Being RTW didn't prevent organizing in those states either as union leadership & Democrats often claim.