8 hour guarantee for combo job


Well-Known Member
I work 5 to 2:30 and my lunch break is at 9:30-10:30 was told by a manager that if I get back early i have to clock out early before I go to my second half. then I told him i'm guarantee 8 hours so I con't clock out until 9:30 so he has to find something for me to do. he told me if they don't have work i'm not guaranteed 8 hours.

If my check is under 8 hours can I file on this and how many days do they have to make it right before I get paid extra? I know its time and a half but is it time and a half while i'm working until I get it corrected?

here is a example. they messed up my check and i'm paid 37 hours instead of 40. I file a grievance on it. I work 2 more week and they finally cut me a check on the 3 hours they didn't pay. for those 2 weeks do I get my 40 hours at time and a half because they took 2 weeks to fix my time or is it just time and a half on the 3 hours they owe me?


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I work 5 to 2:30 and my lunch break is at 9:30-10:30 was told by a manager that if I get back early i have to clock out early before I go to my second half. then I told him i'm guarantee 8 hours so I con't clock out until 9:30 so he has to find something for me to do. he told me if they don't have work i'm not guaranteed 8 hours.

If my check is under 8 hours can I file on this and how many days do they have to make it right before I get paid extra? I know its time and a half but is it time and a half while i'm working until I get it corrected?

here is a example. they messed up my check and i'm paid 37 hours instead of 40. I file a grievance on it. I work 2 more week and they finally cut me a check on the 3 hours they didn't pay. for those 2 weeks do I get my 40 hours at time and a half because they took 2 weeks to fix my time or is it just time and a half on the 3 hours they owe me?

All your answers are right here...


  • UPS National & CR Agreements 2018-2023.pdf
    780.7 KB · Views: 352


Well-Known Member
Wages for properly selected vacations, in all instances, will be paid to the employees no later than the workday prior to their vacation. If the employee does not receive his/her vacation check, the Employer will make all reasonable efforts to provide the check the following day including delivery by Saturday or Next Day Air. If the employee requests to see his vacation check on the Monday as permitted below and the Employer fails to make the vacation payment available by Saturday following the employee’s regular scheduled pay day, the employee shall be paid an additional amount equal to one-half (1/2) of his or her daily guarantee at his or her regular hourly rate of pay for every subsequent pay period until the shortage is corrected. 2WKHUVKRUWDJHVLQYROYLQJPRUHWKDQÀIW\GROODUVIRUIXOO WLPHHPSOR\HHVDQGWZHQW\ÀYHGROODUVIRUSDUWWLPHHPployees, will be corrected and the payment will be made available to the employee at his/her reporting location on his/her second scheduled workday after reporting the shortage. If the Employer fails to make the payment available on the employee’s second scheduled workday and the shortage was the result of the Employer’s error, the employee will be paid an additional amount equal to one-half (1/2) of his/her daily guarantee at his/her regular hourly rate for every full pay period in which the shortage is not paid after the second (2nd) scheduled work day, until corrected.

so what i geather from reading it right is I will be paid time and a half until its corrected.


I'm a star
Wages for properly selected vacations, in all instances, will be paid to the employees no later than the workday prior to their vacation. If the employee does not receive his/her vacation check, the Employer will make all reasonable efforts to provide the check the following day including delivery by Saturday or Next Day Air. If the employee requests to see his vacation check on the Monday as permitted below and the Employer fails to make the vacation payment available by Saturday following the employee’s regular scheduled pay day, the employee shall be paid an additional amount equal to one-half (1/2) of his or her daily guarantee at his or her regular hourly rate of pay for every subsequent pay period until the shortage is corrected. 2WKHUVKRUWDJHVLQYROYLQJPRUHWKDQÀIW\GROODUVIRUIXOO WLPHHPSOR\HHVDQGWZHQW\ÀYHGROODUVIRUSDUWWLPHHPployees, will be corrected and the payment will be made available to the employee at his/her reporting location on his/her second scheduled workday after reporting the shortage. If the Employer fails to make the payment available on the employee’s second scheduled workday and the shortage was the result of the Employer’s error, the employee will be paid an additional amount equal to one-half (1/2) of his/her daily guarantee at his/her regular hourly rate for every full pay period in which the shortage is not paid after the second (2nd) scheduled work day, until corrected.

so what i geather from reading it right is I will be paid time and a half until its corrected.

"The employee will be paid an additional amount equal to one-half (1/2) of his/her daily guarantee at his/her regular hourly rate for every full pay period in which the shortage is not paid after the second (2nd) scheduled work day, until corrected."

That means an extra 4 hours of pay for every week (full pay period) they fail to correct their error. They will make you file a grievance to get the penalty pay, and you will only get it if your local is any good.

Poop Head

Judge me.
2WKHUVKRUWDJHVLQYROYLQJPRUHWKDQÀIW\GROODUVIRUIXOO WLPHHPSOR\HHVDQGWZHQW\ÀYHGROODUVIRUSDUWWLPHHPployees, will be corrected and the payment will be made available to the employee at his/her reporting location on his/her second scheduled workday after reporting the shortage.
Should have never let that guy with turrets on the negotiating committee


I'm a star
Should have never let that guy with turrets on the negotiating committee



Well-Known Member
If its air combo, 22.3 then you wouldn't need to clock out early. If its 22.4 then you can be Required to clock out for up to a 2 hour unpaid lunch break. You would still be guaranteed 8 hours.

Shift Inhibit

He who laughs last didn't get it.
I work 5 to 2:30 and my lunch break is at 9:30-10:30 was told by a manager that if I get back early i have to clock out early before I go to my second half. then I told him i'm guarantee 8 hours so I con't clock out until 9:30 so he has to find something for me to do. he told me if they don't have work i'm not guaranteed 8 hours.

If my check is under 8 hours can I file on this and how many days do they have to make it right before I get paid extra? I know its time and a half but is it time and a half while i'm working until I get it corrected?

here is a example. they messed up my check and i'm paid 37 hours instead of 40. I file a grievance on it. I work 2 more week and they finally cut me a check on the 3 hours they didn't pay. for those 2 weeks do I get my 40 hours at time and a half because they took 2 weeks to fix my time or is it just time and a half on the 3 hours they owe me?
Can’t you just take 2—10 minute payed breaks? All the combo guys here do that. You’re only working 8 hrs.