What are some ways I can prepare?
Moreluck and Satellitedriver came up with great advice...to help with Moreluck's points...
physically write down every penny you spend for a week (better yet a month) and see where it all goes. Example - I was eating out everyday at a cost of about 7 to 10 dollars. I started to bring in a Lean Cusine in and my savings were dramatic. I went from eating out everyday to 2 or 3 times a month.
Analyze your results and look at the ideas that Moreluck put down.
leveraging your money is another way to improve your position faster than just compounding. This can be risky but the payoff can be enormous.
Please consult a professional but this is how you can leverage your money.
This is a very simple Example:
1) You take $10,000 and put it into a CD at 5%. Next year you have $10,500. You made $500
or you cal leverage your money
2) You take the $10K and put it down on a peice of property that you bought for $100,000. You make the same 5%. You sell the property to net you $105,000. You just made $5000 on your initial investment or $10,000. This is a 50% gain!!!
Obviously this is just a simple example of how leveraging works but many people over a period of years have made a lot of money.
Also...be careful, if you over leverage your assets you can lose everything if something goes wrong. Helen's example of credit card debt is the great example of overleveraging.
There are a lot of books on investing strategies.
I will give you 2 books to pick up and read.
The first is by Donald Trump - "The Best Real Estate Advice I Ever Received" - my brother's has a chapter starting on page 222.
(100 top experts share their strategies)
The second is by Daniel R Solin - " The Smartest Investment Book You'll Ever Read" - (there are a lot of different investment strategies in here - this will help you gain knowledge)
Both these books are easy reading and short! Take a highlighter just like you would with a text book and pull some key points out and write them down.