Air driving 22.3 question


Well-Known Member
I’m a full time Air driver & was wondering if my air route can be cut so part time bid air drivers can go out & deliver?

I look at it like this bc I know it’s their only job but if a cover driver gets laid off they bump a pre loader/local sorter even though those positions aren’t that cover drivers job


Well-Known Member
I’m a full time Air driver & was wondering if my air route can be cut so part time bid air drivers can go out & deliver?

I look at it like this bc I know it’s their only job but if a cover driver gets laid off they bump a pre loader/local sorter even though those positions aren’t that cover drivers job
Sounds like a perfect question for your steward.
Find out if the stewards are only hooking up their “boys”

What’s wrong w/ that?
Oops never mind
File a grievance immediately.
