A question about the FedEx vs UPS drama



Now, EVERYONE knows Fedex IS a delivery company. It's pretty obvious no matter what they claim about being 'special' and 'different'.

My thought on this situation though, that I haven't seen anyone touch base with, is if UPS chose the right time to stand up in court about this.

I'm not American, I'm one of those Canadian people that are rumored to be north of USA land but here's what I thinking:

Fedex will win this in court. UPS DID drop the ball on this. If they had've waited until the recession was over they would have done A LOT better. If the bill actually passed making Fedex 'unspecial' it means the teamsters come in and strong arm Fedex (which everyone wants). What this would mean though is a higher wage for the employees. This also means, it's very likely, that thousands upon thousands of people would lose their jobs.

With the way the economy is right now, I just don't see this happening. Everything might point to, 'yes, Fedex is a stinky liar and need to be ruled under the same laws' but right now just isn't the time, fortunately and unfortunately, I think the US courts will agree.

The other downside to UPS being involved in this is that this is the ONLY chance they have. It will set the precedent that Fedex is 'special' and once it's in the law books it can't be overturned :(


Well-Known Member
Now, EVERYONE knows Fedex IS a delivery company. It's pretty obvious no matter what they claim about being 'special' and 'different'.

My thought on this situation though, that I haven't seen anyone touch base with, is if UPS chose the right time to stand up in court about this.

I'm not American, I'm one of those Canadian people that are rumored to be north of USA land but here's what I thinking:

Fedex will win this in court. UPS DID drop the ball on this. If they had've waited until the recession was over they would have done A LOT better. If the bill actually passed making Fedex 'unspecial' it means the teamsters come in and strong arm Fedex (which everyone wants). What this would mean though is a higher wage for the employees. This also means, it's very likely, that thousands upon thousands of people would lose their jobs.

With the way the economy is right now, I just don't see this happening. Everything might point to, 'yes, Fedex is a stinky liar and need to be ruled under the same laws' but right now just isn't the time, fortunately and unfortunately, I think the US courts will agree.

The other downside to UPS being involved in this is that this is the ONLY chance they have. It will set the precedent that Fedex is 'special' and once it's in the law books it can't be overturned :(


A few clarifications on this. UPS can not take this to court, their labor status is clearly defined in the law. Secondly, this is not our only chance. FedEx's labor status in the law has been changed before for a brief period. You just have to have the right alignment of political players in the Federal government. Thirdly, I think this is the right time. I think the Democrats will be looking to throw a bone to Labor for not being able to get EFCA through.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
FedEx 3

Say what you want about Fedex but you gotta admit,they are clever.UPS is always dropping the ball it seams.
Not many people know this one for example.When the filmmakers of the Movies Cast Away were going to make thier movie,they originally approached UPS for the movie and UPS said no so they went to Fedex and Fedex knew it was risky but they saw that it could be a huge win for them in the end and great exposure all over the world.In the end the movie was a hit and very popular in China where it opened all kinds of avenues for Fedex in China and now Fedex has a huge presence in China now where UPS doesnt really exist there.Another missed opportunity where Fedex capitalized on.


Well-Known Member
FedEx 3

Say what you want about Fedex but you gotta admit,they are clever.UPS is always dropping the ball it seams.
Not many people know this one for example.When the filmmakers of the Movies Cast Away were going to make thier movie,they originally approached UPS for the movie and UPS said no so they went to Fedex and Fedex knew it was risky but they saw that it could be a huge win for them in the end and great exposure all over the world.In the end the movie was a hit and very popular in China where it opened all kinds of avenues for Fedex in China and now Fedex has a huge presence in China now where UPS doesnt really exist there.Another missed opportunity where Fedex capitalized on.

This is totally not true. UPS has very strong growth in china in the double digits and I believe it is stronger than fedex growth, at least pre recession. Another myth is that fedex is stronger in europe than ups is...another myth. Im sure that some of the international ups folks on here will chime in about fedex market share in european countries.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
This is totally not true. UPS has very strong growth in china in the double digits and I believe it is stronger than fedex growth, at least pre recession. Another myth is that fedex is stronger in europe than ups is...another myth. Im sure that some of the international ups folks on here will chime in about fedex market share in european countries.
Maybe,but I have a few friends in China and they tell me that UPS is nonexistant there,all they know are DHL and FedEx.


Well-Known Member
FedEx 3

Say what you want about Fedex but you gotta admit,they are clever.UPS is always dropping the ball it seams.
Not many people know this one for example.When the filmmakers of the Movies Cast Away were going to make thier movie,they originally approached UPS for the movie and UPS said no so they went to Fedex and Fedex knew it was risky but they saw that it could be a huge win for them in the end and great exposure all over the world.In the end the movie was a hit and very popular in China where it opened all kinds of avenues for Fedex in China and now Fedex has a huge presence in China now where UPS doesnt really exist there.Another missed opportunity where Fedex capitalized on.

FedEx 4 Life,

I am interested in your comments regarding FedEx reporting this week that they lost $2.82 per share in the past quarter.


Well-Known Member
Maybe,but I have a few friends in China and they tell me that UPS is nonexistant there,all they know are DHL and FedEx.

ups and fedex internationally together dont even come close to dhl...they are the big boys globally...especially in the 3rd world where nobody else wants to be.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
ups and fedex internationally together dont even come close to dhl...they are the big boys globally...especially in the 3rd world where nobody else wants to be.
Ya got that right.Its hard to compete againt someone who doesnt have all those sanctions.They can deliver to Cuba and North Korea.


Well-Known Member
Ya got that right.Its hard to compete againt someone who doesnt have all those sanctions.They can deliver to Cuba and North Korea.

They probably have taken a hit when they stopped their domestic business, who wants them coming in for one intl package when ups or fedup can do it all...although they have started rebranding their vehicles with international pictures and slogans..like they use to have on the ol' school white vans back in the day.

FedEX 4 Life

Well-Known Member
In my opinion,DHL could have been a major threat in the US.Too bad they suck at customer service and were just plain awful with everything they did here.Americans dont care how cheap it costs,they still want good service.DHL learned the hard way.


In my opinion,DHL could have been a major threat in the US.Too bad they suck at customer service and were just plain awful with everything they did here.Americans dont care how cheap it costs,they still want good service.DHL learned the hard way.

Yea I thought Acme was pretty good too. In fact Wily Coyote used no other when he chased the road runner.


Well-Known Member
In my opinion,DHL could have been a major threat in the US.Too bad they suck at customer service and were just plain awful with everything they did here.Americans dont care how cheap it costs,they still want good service.DHL learned the hard way.

Well, you can only fly your ground packages for so long before the whole system shuts down.


FedEx 3

Say what you want about Fedex but you gotta admit,they are clever.UPS is always dropping the ball it seams.
Not many people know this one for example.When the filmmakers of the Movies Cast Away were going to make thier movie,they originally approached UPS for the movie and UPS said no so they went to Fedex and Fedex knew it was risky but they saw that it could be a huge win for them in the end and great exposure all over the world.In the end the movie was a hit and very popular in China where it opened all kinds of avenues for Fedex in China and now Fedex has a huge presence in China now where UPS doesnt really exist there.Another missed opportunity where Fedex capitalized on.



Life is a Highway...
How'd you like to be the DHL driver and practically every company you deliver to says .."Hey, thought you guys weren't in business anymore" having to explain that would drive me up the wall!



A few clarifications on this. UPS can not take this to court, their labor status is clearly defined in the law. Secondly, this is not our only chance. FedEx's labor status in the law has been changed before for a brief period. You just have to have the right alignment of political players in the Federal government. Thirdly, I think this is the right time. I think the Democrats will be looking to throw a bone to Labor for not being able to get EFCA through.

Sorry, I realize UPS can't take it to court but they can complain to the politicians until something is done. To me this seems to be kind of the case in this situation. Why else would it come to fruit now instead of a few years ago?

The democrats MIGHT be wanting to throw someone a bone right now. Is it the right time for that though? If it puts thousands of people out of work because Fedex would then unionize and would have no idea what they're doing, costing them, likely, millions, would the US want to do this during this time? Everyone knows the higher ups in Fedex won't be taking a paycut and will just fire the employees instead.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I realize UPS can't take it to court but they can complain to the politicians until something is done. To me this seems to be kind of the case in this situation. Why else would it come to fruit now instead of a few years ago?

The democrats MIGHT be wanting to throw someone a bone right now. Is it the right time for that though? If it puts thousands of people out of work because Fedex would then unionize and would have no idea what they're doing, costing them, likely, millions, would the US want to do this during this time? Everyone knows the higher ups in Fedex won't be taking a paycut and will just fire the employees instead.

Why would they fire anyone. Even with the econony, fedex hasnt consolidated many routes in this area, they go out empty daily and the driver takes a 2 hour lunch and they get back to the building by 4:30....they are still servicing the customer with high service, at least the express side of things, now how about ups..cutting routes(when the centers know they need to keep in a few and they HAVE the volume for them, customer service is suffering right now, there was a post on here a while back on the major jump in complaints from the 800 line. Do we really want fedex out of business??? If ups had the whole ball of wax they could do whatever and the customer would have NO choice...and no, I dont really consider usps a choice, or competition.