Air drivers / preloaders delivering ground

Unions steward is out ... they sent out 2 preloaders and an air driver with about 60-70 stops each delivering nda's when they should have been talking their mandatory hour lunch beginning between their 4-5 hour of work which management has been steadfast 'this month' about inforcing this with us regular drivers... This is no good... Any advise on the best way to greeve this... Should any drivers still in progression get the same rate as the 'air drivers' who made almost twice as much delivering ground? Or lost overtime? Management is "legitimately" short on drivers due to injury... These guys are putting in for air delivering ground and getting top rate and hours worked
Unions steward is out ... they sent out 2 preloaders and an air driver with about 60-70 stops each delivering nda's when they should have been talking their mandatory hour lunch beginning between their 4-5 hour of work which management has been steadfast 'this month' about inforcing this with us regular drivers... This is no good... Any advise on the best way to greeve this... Should any drivers still in progression get the same rate as the 'air drivers' who made almost twice as much delivering ground? Or lost overtime? Management is "legitimately" short on drivers due to injury
Air exception drivers do not have a mandatory lunch. Art 40 language supersedes all other contract articles.