UPS Airline Mechanics Contract Update From The IPA Site:
{UPS/MECHANICS RESUME TALKS} UPS and its mechanics are returning to the bargaining table next week. Talks will resume Tuesday and Wednesday between the Company and Teamsters Local 2727 at the NMB headquarters in Washington, D.C. As you may recall, the mechanics overwhelmingly rejected a tentative agreement with the Company last March. Local 2727 Secretary Treasurer Jack Chatburn talked to IPNN today about the upcoming meetings.
{CHATBURN} Well, as you said well be meeting with the Company at the NMB in Washington, D.C. on August 6 and 7 and also the following two consecutive weeks in Washington at the NMB. Right now our members are pretty anxious about the fact we have been recessed and they as well as us are looking forward to getting back in next week.
{SHELLEY:} Do you think the fact that the Teamsters were able to reach an agreement prior to the strike deadline, does that change anything in terms of your negotiations?
{CHATBURN:} No, really the groundside agreement has no bearing with respect to our contract and our members.
{SHELLEY:} The mechanics rejected the last contract offer, what were the sticking points?
{CHATBURN:} I think a lot of it has to do with number 1, the farming out of our work. Number 2 would have to be compensation packages and benefits with respect to medical benefits, especially medical benefits past the age of 65, 401K match, defined contribution we have and also hourly wages.
{SHELLEY:} I know the two sides were pretty far apart during the last round of negotiations, are you optimistic that gap can be narrowed?
{CHATBURN:} That will all depend upon the Company. As far as my optimism I guess you could say its cautious optimism. Im not exactly sure where the Company is with respect to what our demands are and what they anticipate what well come back to the table with. At this point in time, we wont know that until we all get together next week.
{SHELLEY:} So, the same issues that were sticking points previously are still the same issues youll be dealing with.
{CHATBURN:} Absolutely, our position is that the government, in this particular case the National Mediation Board and the mediators, I think our President Joe Darmento has expressed on more than one occasion, both over the phone and in writing, the NMB needs to allow us to do our job which is to get back together with the Company and negotiate the contract and not to intervene as far as trying to dictate or convince us that certain demands we make upon the Company are out of line. We just need to get back in there and do our job and that is negotiate the contract.
{SHELLEY:} Additional meetings between UPS, the Teamsters Local 2727 and the NMB are planned August 12 through the 16 and August 19 through the 23.