An Elephant Tale!

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Wow Dizzee! You're awesome. It's almost like there was a camera in our bedroom.

The only thing I can think of that is different from reality is that the bunny slippers need to be swapped. I usually wear the blue bunny slippers. Tony loves his fuzzy pink ones.
You better checketh thy bedroom carefully. I trusteth not Dizzee as far as I could thoweth him. He gettith his jollies in strangeth ways.

(BTW Dizzee, I'm notith a prevert, getith my face out of the window!)


Of all the crimes commited by us mortals on this sphere,
One demands the punishment of losing much more than a beard,
The papist mocks our holy host with humor and sarcasm,
he should be drawn and quartered,or shuck down a hellish chasm

He must be made example lest the people start a coup,
he has failed to show allegiance to Queen Cheryl,
he chose the path of alchemy and refused to be a sup,
Now the time has come for him to meet his peril.

The one I speak of hides behind an avitar called hoaxter
he prides himself mischeivious,a comic and a jokester
When some protest,he speaks in jest,and makes them laugh instead
the hangman says forget the noose,Im chopping off his head.

Big Babooba

Well-Known Member
Of all the crimes commited by us mortals on this sphere,
One demands the punishment of losing much more than a beard,
The papist mocks our holy host with humor and sarcasm,
he should be drawn and quartered,or shuck down a hellish chasm

He must be made example lest the people start a coup,
he has failed to show allegiance to Queen Cheryl,
he chose the path of alchemy and refused to be a sup,
Now the time has come for him to meet his peril.

The one I speak of hides behind an avitar called hoaxter
he prides himself mischeivious,a comic and a jokester
When some protest,he speaks in jest,and makes them laugh instead
the hangman says forget the noose,Im chopping off his head.
Let the Hoaxster keep his head. Give him the Japanese Sadism Chair instead.



Nine Lives
Of all the crimes commited by us mortals on this sphere,
One demands the punishment of losing much more than a beard,
The papist mocks our holy host with humor and sarcasm,
he should be drawn and quartered,or shuck down a hellish chasm

He must be made example lest the people start a coup,
he has failed to show allegiance to Queen Cheryl,
he chose the path of alchemy and refused to be a sup,
Now the time has come for him to meet his peril.

The one I speak of hides behind an avitar called hoaxter
he prides himself mischeivious,a comic and a jokester
When some protest,he speaks in jest,and makes them laugh instead
the hangman says forget the noose,Im chopping off his head.


Wow Dizzee! You're awesome. It's almost like there was a camera in our bedroom.

The only thing I can think of that is different from reality is that the bunny slippers need to be swapped. I usually wear the blue bunny slippers. Tony loves his fuzzy pink ones.

Oh My god... "Dizzee, you are so wonderful.. Dizzee you're a genius.... dizee, it's great but could you just change this? It's a good thing you did Dizzee."

This nightmare has to end. While he is reading this and focusing on my post, will someone bash the monster over the head with a heavy object and end this nightmare?

I have video proof of who this Dizzee is . He was once a little boy that terrorized a small town known as Peeksville in Ohio.

If no one puts an end to him, I fully expect to end up as a jack in the box , stuck out in the cornfield. But that is the risk I take.
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Of all the crimes commited by us mortals on this sphere,
One demands the punishment of losing much more than a beard,
The papist mocks our holy host with humor and sarcasm,
he should be drawn and quartered,or shuck down a hellish chasm

He must be made example lest the people start a coup,
he has failed to show allegiance to Queen Cheryl,
he chose the path of alchemy and refused to be a sup,
Now the time has come for him to meet his peril.

The one I speak of hides behind an avitar called hoaxter
he prides himself mischeivious,a comic and a jokester
When some protest,he speaks in jest,and makes them laugh instead
the hangman says forget the noose,Im chopping off his head.

When Moderators Doth Clash.....


This thread is fed by giving head to pure imagination
a place where we can harness all our mental innovation
and so once more to play this game I will try to use my noggin
that said instead of playing dead I'll carry on with bloggin'

I suggest we start a thread that challenges our mind
a thread of prose that starts with one,then we each submit a line

example 1 of a million and three possible scenarios

Overnine the overlord decrees war upon Eurasia,
his army boasts a million fearless dedicated men

ok this is where the next post follows

whadya think?

sorry to hijack the thread but I thought it was best to suggest this here


Age quod agis
This thread is fed by giving head to pure imagination
a place where we can harness all our mental innovation
and so once more to play this game I will try to use my noggin
that said instead of playing dead I'll carry on with bloggin'

I suggest we start a thread that challenges our mind
a thread of prose that starts with one,then we each submit a line

example 1 of a million and three possible scenarios

Overnine the overlord decrees war upon Eurasia,
his army boasts a million fearless dedicated men

ok this is where the next post follows

whadya think?

sorry to [-]hijack [/-]PIRATE :wink2:the thread but I thought it was best to suggest this here

Thou bares nigh remorse; thoughts of million warriors on horse.
Pawns of overlord Overnine; thoust fate forged over beer.