Andrew McCabe to retire


According to numerous articles yes he can be fired and a review board recommended it. Up to Sessions because of McCabe's seniority. McCabe asked that he not be fired. Either way he's looking at some serious legal jeopardy.
Delayed his pension. He was authorized to release information to the media so I doubt there is any legal ramifications.


Well-Known Member
More obstruction.
FBI Inspector General's recommendation. Just read he won't lose the entire pension, but instead of drawing $60k at age 50 he'll have to take a smaller pension as early as 57. And he and his family will lose lifetime healthcare benefits. He lied under oath, end of story.


FBI Inspector General's recommendation. Just read he won't lose the entire pension, but instead of drawing $60k at age 50 he'll have to take a smaller pension as early as 57. And he and his family will lose lifetime healthcare benefits. He lied under oath, end of story.
Stormy agrees with you.:happy2:

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
FBI Inspector General's recommendation. Just read he won't lose the entire pension, but instead of drawing $60k at age 50 he'll have to take a smaller pension as early as 57. And he and his family will lose lifetime healthcare benefits. He lied under oath, end of story.
About the same as Flynn.

Strzok is next!


Staff member
FBI Inspector General's recommendation. Just read he won't lose the entire pension, but instead of drawing $60k at age 50 he'll have to take a smaller pension as early as 57. And he and his family will lose lifetime healthcare benefits. He lied under oath, end of story.
I wonder if he’ll have a hard time finding a six figure job and a multi-million dollar book deal...


Staff member
Then again, you don't really believe Trump is going to be impeached.

Stupid :poop: in stupid :poop: out.
I don’t know. If democrats win the House, I’d say 50/50 shot he is. Then again, if democrats win, I’ll be interested to see how Trump changes. He never has been a conservative so could be interesting. At the very least democrats will view Trump as weak and unpopular. Just the candidate they want to run against in 2020.