Anthony Case


golden ticket member
George & Cindy are a couple of media whores !! Who in the world would go on TV voluntarily with the likes of Dr. (fake) Phil after their granddaughter was killed by their 'got away with it' daughter ???


golden ticket member
Here's the ABC news video of the same story
Casey Anthony Trial: Key Evidence Missed | Video - ABC News

Here's the KSL Utah coverage of it....
Evidence overlooked in Casey Anthony case |

Orlando covered it too......
Cops, prosecutors botched Casey Anthony evidence | News - Home

But these are probably all phony in your opinion. You can wait for the sun god Ra to report in !!!

The story is everywhere.........if it has to be from HuffPo to please are going to have to post that stuff yourself.

It was an interesting story and I can choose my own source !!!

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
Here's the ABC news video of the same story
Casey Anthony Trial: Key Evidence Missed | Video - ABC News

Here's the KSL Utah coverage of it....
Evidence overlooked in Casey Anthony case |

Orlando covered it too......
Cops, prosecutors botched Casey Anthony evidence | News - Home

But these are probably all phony in your opinion. You can wait for the sun god Ra to report in !!!

The story is everywhere.........if it has to be from HuffPo to please are going to have to post that stuff yourself.

It was an interesting story and I can choose my own source !!!

My point is relevance, relevance my dear. The story is old, botching the case was news a year ago. The bigger point is that you copy and paste it on the day FOX talks about it.

Who cares anymore?

She got away with murder, they blew the case.

Its a non story now.




Well-Known Member
Is there anything said on fox news that you dont copy and paste?



You still haven't answered the question that I recently asked......
"why do you have such a disdain for FOX News?"
I have tried watching your censored national news and FOX has a more in-depth scope than the canned national news.
Is it because FOX reports straight up what "homeboy" (not my words) is doing and you can't handle it?

The Other Side

Well-Known Troll
You still haven't answered the question that I recently asked......
"why do you have such a disdain for FOX News?"
I have tried watching your censored national news and FOX has a more in-depth scope than the canned national news.
Is it because FOX reports straight up what "homeboy" (not my words) is doing and you can't handle it?

Trick, its easy for someone with a proclivity for what is claimed on FOX to come to their defense. Ever since FOX NEWS went to an appeals court and argued in a case where they were the defendants, that "THEY" as a cable news channel, had a RIGHT TO LIE on THE AIR under the first amendment.

They ADMITTING putting false stories on the air and claimed they had a right to do so.

This years presidential election was no different. Presenting false POLLS and stories to present a lopsided view of events like FAST AND FURIOUS where they make up crapp and use the old "SOURCES SAY", "THERE ARE SOME THAT THINK", "IT HAS BEEN SAID"...without giving ONE SCHRED of evidence to back up anything they claim.

What happened to Fast and Blurious? Oh yeah, NOTHING.

FOX is nothing more than the political arm of the GOP, presenting the GOP viewpoint no matter how extreme or how untrue it can be.

""During their appeal, FOX asserted that there are no written rules against distorting news in the media. They argued that, under the First Amendment, broadcasters have the right to lie or deliberately distort news reports on public airwaves. Fox attorneys did not dispute Akre’s claim that they pressured her to broadcast a false story, they simply maintained that it was their right to do so. After the appeal verdict WTVT general manager Bob Linger commented, “It’s vindication for WTVT, and we’re very pleased… It’s the case we’ve been making for two years.""

11. The Media Can Legally Lie | Project Censored

MSNBC, CNN, CURRENT, CBS, NBC, ABC or any other channel you believe to slant to the left HAVE NEVER been to court arguing that "THEY" had a legal right to misinform the public or LIE on their airwaves.

ONLY FOX NEWS can claim that title.

Your claim that FOX reports straight up news is laughable at best, and even their own lawyers would laugh at that claim, since they "IN COURT" said to the appeals court when asked if they LIE on the AIR ....."HAVE YOU EVER WATCHED FOX NEWS?"

I wouldnt defend them too aggressively, its kinda silly.




golden ticket member
My point is relevance, relevance my dear. The story is old, botching the case was news a year ago. The bigger point is that you copy and paste it on the day FOX talks about it.

Who cares anymore?

She got away with murder, they blew the case.

Its a non story now.


Who cares about O.J. anymore......but he's in the news too........Perhaps both stories are about murderers who get away with it and America finds that interesting.
Of course it's posted on the day it happens because that's NEWS. What an idiotic statement!!........anything else is called history.....

So you would rather turn on the news of today and see them covering last week's stuff. Not me, I want to know what's happening now!!


Well-Known Member
For all the Casey Anthony's and OJ's out there, which are not all that many, we rarely hear of the Debra Milke's who are the innocent but have their lives destroyed. This raises the question how many have had their lives destroyed all the way?

I use to be for capital punishment until I saw enough Debra Milke's to realize the odds of an innocent person being executed was just to great. Not to mention a capital prisoner is far more costly than a lifer to taxpayers.


Well-Known Member
Talk about putting Blinders on and drinking Kool aid all day.

What happened to the fast and furious investigation ????

Honest answer ---It was blocked by the power of the Top executive ----Maybe if I do not say his name you know who will finally get it.

Maybe even say the investigation was blocked by an Order from Bush !!!


Staff member
Talk about putting Blinders on and drinking Kool aid all day.

What happened to the fast and furious investigation ????

Honest answer ---It was blocked by the power of the Top executive ----Maybe if I do not say his name you know who will finally get it.

Maybe even say the investigation was blocked by an Order from Bush !!!
The hell are you going on about?