Anthony Weiner


nowhere special
Not rightly so.
He has secrets to tell .
And every convict inside will be willing to sell a story .

He will be too busy enjoying weiners in prison.


He will never end up in jail. He knows too many secrets of the Clinton Mafia.

He might have an "accident" though.


golden ticket member


golden ticket member
I put the word prison in quotes as he will be serving his time at a former military installation 40 miles outside of Boston. Among there most recent "visitors" was the Boston Marathon bomber. It is hardly what one would call a prison.
Don't change things in my posts! Make a statement of your own!


Strength through joy
Does it have a golf course?
FMC Devens

Facility and services
Upon entering FMC Devens, new inmates undergo a month-long admission and orientation program to meet prison staff, acquaint themselves with the facility, and learn the facility's rules and regulations. They are introduced to the prison’s inmate count system: prisoners are checked on five times a day, at 12:05 a.m., 3 a.m., 5 a.m., 4 p.m., and 10 p.m. On holidays and weekends, there’s an additional count at 10 a.m. New inmates also receive a physical exam and educational, vocational, and psychological tests. Inmates at Devens are subject to random, unannounced urine and Breathalyzer tests, as well as searches for contraband.

FMC Devens has regular onsite specialists in cardiology, nephrology, endocrinology, surgery, neurology and pulmonology. Inmates often leave the facility to see outside specialists and for tests and medical procedures not available in the medical center, according to Sandra Howard, the clinical director at FMC Devens.

Inmates are allowed six visits a month. Physical contact is allowed so long as it is not deemed excessive. An in-house psychology department offers inmates counseling for depression and suicidal ideation, as well as sex-offender and drug-addiction programs. A chaplain offers religious services and counseling, and volunteers in a prisoner visitation service pay visits to inmates who do not receive many visitors. There are adult continuing-education classes and an electronic library where they can read up on new case law and sentencing guidelines. The prison has a recreation area for floor hockey, basketball, and soccer, a hobby craft room, and a music-practice room.


golden ticket member
My god woman, he put quotes around a word and explained why.

Check your dosages, they seem way off today.

This is a form of stealing. I've said hundreds of times before....make your own posts....don't change mine. You can reply if you have something to say. Leave the original post be! The only one who has the power to touch my post is Cheryl and she would remove it if it's objectionable