Are you making enough to make payments on a house????


Well-Known Member
My mortgage, taxes, and insurance combined are about 2000 a month. Weekly take home after taxes, 401k, union dues is about 1200 a week . I could’ve bought a cheaper house but that was a few years back so my mortgage isn’t that bad. Now it would be more.

Sacrificial Lamb

Package Shepherd
What would make me happy is Klaus Schwb lighting himself on fire.


Well-Known Member
We need to restrict foreigners (who do not at least have green card) from owning real estates in the USA. We also need to expand mobile home living space. That will reduce the demand. Think about this: do you own the land you live on? Want to find out? Don't pay property tax and see what happens. Why do we pay, pay, and pay all kind of taxes?


You want a toe? I can get you a toe.


Retired 2020. Not my Problem Anymore!

You have to admit Biden was always the president for the freaks, criminals, pedophiles, illegals and drug addicts but know he has added the bottom of the barrel consumers to the list. When someone says they are for Biden you have to wonder which category they fall in.