Austere Iraqi Mourners Storm Embassy


Well-Known Member
Yeah, cause Trump ordered a bunch of young protesters shot dead in the street, charged the families to get their bodies back and forbade funerals.

funerals are a waste of time , trump has made us more efficient. Now people can work 5 more days and increase our productivity


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Always to Politics, always veering off course. 3 weeks before he is reelected 2020, Express will tell us about no raise this year, but medical is not increasing. Thank you for all you do.


Got the T-Shirt


Well-Known Member
Nobody believes that you watch CNN. Quit lying, Donald.

Even the illegal ones, apparently?

AS I've said here many times before I watch specific segments on fox , and a mulititude of other stations including MSM, CNN and MSNBC. in todays toxic media environment you have to watch a multitude of stations to a. hear all the news b. to figure out where the truth is in the middle.

CNN for instance had their entire segment labeled as a war watch. meanwhile tucker Carlson on fox gave you the hysterical libertarian we're are going to war. both perspectives were totally irrelevant given that we have been playing these reindeer games with Iran for 40 years but it is perspective on how segments of the media are influencing the debate.

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