Back From My Sojourn


Well-Known Member
Greetings fellow members of the BC community.

I have traveled far and wide since I bid this site farewell; and I will be the first to admit that it’s confusing out there. The only thing I know with one hundred percent certainty is that...

Box Ox

What can be, unburdened by what has been.
Greetings fellow members of the BC community.

I have traveled far and wide since I bid this site farewell; and I will be the first to admit that it’s confusing out there. The only thing I know with one hundred percent certainty is that...



Well-Known Member

Oh, I don’t know. I seem to post some valid points on occasion.

For instance, did you know that the wealth gap hit the highest level in fifty years during 2018?

How could that be when a populist president is signing legislation that bolsters middle-class initiatives left-and-right? You know, the TCAJA; the Act that was supposed to cause a bidding war for your services.

And wasn’t Obama going to “Change” something?

I’m beginning to think you sods have been needlessly prattling on over a deeply flawed “Right vs. Left” debate for years.


Well-Known Member
No idea since I don't take Lithium.
It covers my Cymbalta and Seroquel which help with depression.
Those meds, along with coming on here and reading your posts, makes me feel much better about myself.

You’re on enough mood stabilizers to even out the Joker, and you still don’t feel normal unless you’re belittling others? I’m thinking you may want to start seeing a therapist that doesn’t advertise on Craig’s List.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You’re on enough mood stabilizers to even out the Joker, and you still don’t feel normal unless you’re belittling others? I’m thinking you may want to start seeing a therapist that doesn’t advertise on Craig’s List.
Thanks ... I feel better already!

PS - I only belittle LibTurds since that's what they do to Conservatives.


Well-Known Member
You’re on enough mood stabilizers to even out the Joker, and you still don’t feel normal unless you’re belittling others? I’m thinking you may want to start seeing a therapist that doesn’t advertise on Craig’s List.
Imposter!! That was much too clever for a real libturd


Just a turd
Like you, I didn't miss him.
I don't miss any LibTurds with the exception of @BrownArmy!