UPS to Add Overseas Letter Delivery
Wednesday January 11, 1:50 pm ET <TABLE height=4 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD height=4></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>UPS Says It Will Add Overseas Letter Delivery to Package Service for Its Europe Customers
BERLIN (AP) -- Express delivery company United Parcel Service, Inc. said Wednesday it would offer overseas letter delivery to its package customers in Europe.
The company would offer the new letter service in February -- expanding a test project begun in Britain to Germany, France, Belgium and the Netherlands, UPS spokesman Georg Leusch said from the company's German offices in Neuss.
"The numbers there have far exceeded our plans," he said.
Leusch said letters would be collected unsorted in mail bags from customers and forwarded to foreign destinations by UPS' partner, Swiss Post International.
He denied a German media report that the service was a move to win customers from domestic mail deliverers such as Deutsche Post AG. Deutsche Post retains a monopoly on domestic letter delivery until 2007.