Bernie Sanders 2016


Well-Known Member
before you guys bombed al Qaeda, they were in just a small part of the map. after you been at war and bombed them for almost 2 decades, they are spread all over. way to go.

i doubt it matters anyway who i quote, you guys vote based on party name LOL

I'm grateful that you actually made a post where you did not quote some leftist socialist who badmouths and profts from the same system of capitalism.


Well-Known Member
no one cares about Bernie Sanders except Mrs Sanders and a bunch of dumb college kids who want someone else to pay for their schooling.
hes more conservative than trump on NSA spying and the destruction of the constitution.

if he was a republican theres a good chance you would vote for him.

hey btw, whats your source for all those cool pictures LOL?


Well-Known Member
I'm grateful that you actually made a post where you did not quote some leftist socialist who badmouths and profts from the same system of capitalism.
i dont think i quote chris hedges too much hes my favorite.

and even if i did only quote chris, it would still be better than all of your sources LOL


golden ticket member
hes more conservative than trump on NSA spying and the destruction of the constitution.

if he was a republican theres a good chance you would vote for him.

hey btw, whats your source for all those cool pictures LOL?
Not a chance....I know what things cost and his promises never come with an explanation of where the money is coming from.
Why don't you peruse Canadian politics?


golden ticket member
hey btw, whats your source for all those cool pictures LOL? (Ricky)

Why would you put a "lol" at the end of a question.

The pictures are from Yahoo and Pinterest mostly.


Inordinately Right
Bernie won Michigan but Hillary still got more delegates.
Pretty sad state of affairs when the vote of the people is undermined by the will of political and corporate elites.
Republicans are going to get a taste of that when Trump has his nomination taken from him at the convention.

Both parties are a joke.


Well-Known Member
Not a chance....I know what things cost and his promises never come with an explanation of where the money is coming from.
you show me anywhere on this forum you posting the 1.5 trillion on military the US government spends every year, and I will sell you the brooklyn bridge


golden ticket member
you show me anywhere on this forum you posting the 1.5 trillion on military the US government spends every year, and I will sell you the brooklyn bridge
the Brooklyn bridge is not yours to sell..........I'll bet the teacher always had to tell you to sit still.


Well-Known Member
heres the campaign slogan for trump after the financial collapse / next terrorist attack. "kill all the minorities / immigrants".

you will have fascism.

that's usually the only answer a liberal can come up with when confronted with reality.