

You want a toe? I can get you a toe.
Either, or…. I was just thinking about putting like 5000 towards 3 or 4 tokens and just sitting on them for years…not very exciting but within my comfort zone… in actuality, is 5k just childs play, or could I actually see some decent gains someday??? I know some people go all out …
Decent gains I would say yeah for sure.

Let’s take 2 coins and scenarios. Put 5k into bitcoin right now and it reached a million per coin this decade. You’d have around 125k.

Put 5k in origintrail which is something a lot of us are in. It hits $1000 this decade. You’d have 5 million.

Now I’m not saying these will for sure play out this way. But I don’t think they’re complete dream scenarios either.


Staff member
Quick questions…. If I was to put some money into this, could I just buy some and sit on it for 10 years or does it need to be looked over, and massaged, and bought and sold on a regular basis?? Secondly, what’s the easiest way to learn and start buying a little here and there??? Thanks for any info guys/gals!!

You picked a good day to get in.


Well-Known Member
Yeah…… Dominance. Institutions want it all for themselves. 1BTC=1BTC Don’t be short. Told ya once…….(Do your research)