Blah mental anguish leads to


United Parcel Survivor
if your center manager wants to sweep this under the rug...........he can. so talk to him and see if you can work something out. it looks like you might have a good chance.


Well-Known Member
If your center manager or sup ever pulls the not reporting an accident crap with something small, two can play at that game. I broke a windshield one time while at a stop, truck was turned off, I broke it with a package accidently. I never called or msg'd in about it, finished my day and then went and talked to a mechanic that night, i wrote it up and left. The glass was repaired when I got in the next morning but my oncar sup started asking me why I failed to report my accident. I told him I didn't have an accident. He then asked, "what would you call an entire side of the windshield cracked?". I replied that I had an INCIDENT while not driving the truck and involved noone but me and a package. He just looked at me and then said that I'm lucky the glass company came to fix it that night or else I'd be fired. So now I msg in on the diad everytime something stupid happens to the truck. Just on Friday I messaged in saying that a branch left a 1 inch scratch on the side of the truck. I think they are finally catching on because I don't even get a response on the diad anymore.


Well-Known Member
I have had 3 reported accidents. 2 times ladies backed out of their driveways, looked right and left but not behind and backed right into me. Both decided as unavoidable. PSI, you should just calm down, slow down and think and focus at what you are doing at the moment, not about where you are going to be later.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
I have had 3 reported accidents. 2 times ladies backed out of their driveways, looked right and left but not behind and backed right into me. Both decided as unavoidable. PSI, you should just calm down, slow down and think and focus at what you are doing at the moment, not about where you are going to be later.

Here that would have been ruled avoidable for sure. They say the only avoidable accident is if a meteor crashed into your truck. UPS needs to be more cut and dry on this across the board. In some areas you can get rear ended and its ruled unavoidable and in other areas management would tell you that it was avoidable because you should have been checking your mirrors and making sure there was enough space cushion between you and the vehicle that rear ended you. I'm glad you came out ahead on yours DorkHead. It's nice to see that not every accident results in the driver being treated like a disease by UPS.


Well-Known Member
Big arrow up, I forgot to add that both times I was parked off the side of the road away from the truck making a delivery when those ladies backed into me. My 3rd accident they said was avoidable. Took down a dog line when I backed into a drwy. Told them it wasn`t me and go out there and take pictures of my tire tracks in the snow. When I saw the pictures I told them that couldn`t be me because i have dual wheels not singles. That didn`t matter because the house owner said she only received one del. that day. So even though they had proof they took her story over the pictures and I was charged with a aviodable.


Well-Known Member
Leftinbuilding says:

While I appreciate your thoughtfulness, any unreported accident can lead to immediate termination. Not reporting is a bad move.

Maybe I should have been a little more specific in my post, thats my fault. To me there is a difference between an accident and an incident. From what PSI described, that it happened in the center, while getting out from the dock. Could it have been avoided, yep. Was there a lot of damage? not from what I can tell, was anybody hurt. Nope.(other then his pride probably)

To me there is a difference between an incident and an accident. From what PSI said, to me he had an incident/oopsy. not worth the time or the energy to be reported. the center manager,s and supervisors have more important things to do then worry about the small things.

Fortunately, in our center, there is a good working relationship, for the most part from top to bottom. I've had dicussions with the drivers supervisor about the best way to handle things, more times then not things were always handled in the best interest of the driver. The pressures on todays drivers to get off 130+ packages and then pickups can be on the verge of overwhelming, even for the veterans.

I sure will not be the one to go and turn somebody in for something, let alone a minor oops. If push comes to shove, I'll side with the drivers and take the needed vacation.


Well-Known Member
Here that would have been ruled avoidable for sure. They say the only avoidable accident is if a meteor crashed into your truck. UPS needs to be more cut and dry on this across the board. In some areas you can get rear ended and its ruled unavoidable and in other areas management would tell you that it was avoidable because you should have been checking your mirrors and making sure there was enough space cushion between you and the vehicle that rear ended you.

And around here, the meteor hitting your PC would probably be deemed as avoidable. We have been told we need to know what is happening on all six sides of the vehicle. (The four sides below and above.) We have also been told that the only side we have no control over is the rear. So being rear ended would be seen as unavoidable.

What a difference geography makes.

We have also been told if we hit anything but air, it is an avoidable accident.


Well-Known Member
"....if we hit anything but air......"

........but, by God, keep your SPORH up, don't miss any commits, don't miss any pick ups, be sure and call in so we can give you someone else's stops and be sure to be backed up to the air dock before they pull.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Here getting rear ended would most likely be ruled avoidable. In our driving school we were told that being rear ended is avoidable because we should be aware of what's behind us and make adjustments to avoid them. The guy that teaches our driving school used to be the guy in our district that made the final determination on whether or not an accident was avoidable or not. Now reading about you guys in others areas getting away with something that we wouldn't in this area just proves my point that the rules need to be more cut and dry across the board.

$killed Labor

Active Member
Thanks for all the info and stuff. Im just setting here on a Monday, and havnt heard anything yet. Well I am not going to worry about it anymore, if it was meant to be it was.

........but, by God, keep your SPORH up, don't miss any commits, don't miss any pick ups, be sure and call in so we can give you someone else's stops and be sure to be backed up to the air dock before they pull.

Sounds familiar heh

$killed Labor

Active Member
Just a update, found out the DQ me for the incident. Back to the local sort I go. Oh well people say stuff happens for a reason. Guess it wasnt my time.


Well-Known Member
We had a guy who accidently hit a branch on a new route, ripped the mirror off. He was sent back to preload for about a week, and was back on the next week. The worst thing he did was "not call it in" of course there were no phones or cell reception. But regardless, if they need you enough they might just ask you to drive again. Hell they even call up guys who quit months ago to see if they want to work again.