Bolton make world go boom boom?

El Correcto

god is dead
“It is perfectly legitimate for the United States to respond to the current ‘necessity’ posed by North Korea’s nuclear weapons by striking first,”

Also Bolton

“I don’t do carrots.”

Wonderful human being. Bashes the United Nations, calls for preemptive military strikes on our enemies and doesn’t want to appease corrupt dictators with no respect for the United States.

When the left is screaming he’s a radical war monger! You know you found the right guy for foreign policy.


Inordinately Right
“It is perfectly legitimate for the United States to respond to the current ‘necessity’ posed by North Korea’s nuclear weapons by striking first,”

Wonderful human being. Bashes the United Nations, calls for preemptive military strikes on our enemies and doesn’t want to appease corrupt dictators with no respect for the United States.
Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.

El Correcto

god is dead

El Correcto

god is dead
John Bolton for National Security

“President Trump has said he is at last assembling a Cabinet team to his liking, and late Thursday he announced that John Bolton will replace General H.R. McMaster as his National Security Adviser. It is a solid and experienced choice…. Mr. Bolton’s first job will be to prepare the President for an historic meeting with Kim Jong Un. We may assume Pyongyang knows now that bluffing the U.S. won’t work.”
Widespread Support For John Bolton As National Security Advisor

Powerful John Bolton is an excellent choice to be prepping Trump for dealing with “negotiations” with North Korea. I have high hopes it’s going to be, disarm and cease to exsist or the United States will destroy you.

“I don’t do carrots”
-John Bolton