Broken mirror


Bad Moon Risen'
He dont understand what your telling him, he dont get if he got 3 items for 20 bucks last year, you can now only get 2
Prices have been going up most of my life but so has my income. Don't concern myself with higher prices except maybe for real estate.
My wife has a hobby where she buys crap at estate sales and auctions, takes a few pictures and sells the :censored2: online. Makes over 500% on her "investments". There are ways to come out ahead overall.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Prices have been going up most of my life but so has my income. Don't concern myself with higher prices except maybe for real estate.
My wife has a hobby where she buys crap at estate sales and auctions, takes a few pictures and sells the :censored2: online. Makes over 500% on her "investments". There are ways to come out ahead overall.
Ok you will won then


Well-Known Member
Just a broken mirror? That’s amateur hour.

Real professionals push the whole mirror arm through the side window of the package car next to them. The best ones do it in the morning right after PCM when leaving the center too

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
I've had this same basic thing happen multiple times, and the reactions are all over the spectrum. two of my bosses just shrugged it off and like told me to just let the mechanic know so they can fix it promptly. you know the rational response. and two of my bosses basically tried to fire me over it. one even interrogated me as if I had vandalized the truck to get out of work even though at that point I was 11 hours and bricked out with bulk pickups, he brought the security officer and the mechanic in on it, but apparently without explaining to them that they were supposed to take part in jamming me up over it, and they both were extremely confused as to why my boss was being such an imbecile. the mechanic even explaining in detail to him how the placement of the mirror and the grab handle causes it to break alot. what can you expect? you can expect your bosses to just react to it however they react to anything. if your boss just uses anything as a reason to criticize you, then they'll use it to demonstrate what a terrible unsafe driver you are. if your boss is a level headed manager that only concerns themselves with things in their control, they'll be perfectly reasonable about it.
This is truth. Exactly right.


Netsua 3:16

“We can cut taxes on the rich”
“NOOOO! But think of what that would do to the everyday working American?”
These people don’t care about the working American. Neither does Joe Biden. You choose evil A because you think it’s better than evil B.


Inordinately Right
Do you honestly not think government policy affects inflation?
Sorry if you don't like our country's free market system.
Sorry if you do not understand a basic principle of economics. When goods or services are in short supply and demand is up, prices will rise.
So you've gone the long way to answer my question.

You could have just said yes, you don't believe government policies affect inflation.

That way I could have just laughed at how uninformed you are and moved on.



Inordinately Right
You’re trying so hard to defend your masters.
It’s adorable.
You think your Republican masters care about keeping inflation down for YOU 😂😂😂
JFC, I can’t stop laughing
“We can cut taxes on the rich”
“NOOOO! But think of what that would do to the everyday working American?”
These people don’t care about the working American. Neither does Joe Biden. You choose evil A because you think it’s better than evil B.
What is with these weird ramblings?
You feeling okay kiddo?