Look face facts.
1. You obviously sucked bad enough that the supes did not trust you to drive. (Pathetic and I really mean that)
2. Your attitude is the drizzling

s. I cannot imagine why they did not want you around.
3. You hired on for a seasonal/temporary job. Do you know what those two words mean? Do they imply full time permanent? No I don't think so.
4. The only time you drove alone was to the airport and back. Big accomplishment. Mommy and Daddy must be ecstatic.
5. You have zero clue of how UPS works and your contract "knowledge" and I'm really stretching that word is laughable at best.
Grow up and face the fact that you worked exactly what you were hired for seasonal/temporary. You could have been kept on past that but there may have not been a need for you past prime weeks or and I'm all of our opinions not a want for you.
God help whoever has to put up with such a retched person as you on a daily basis.