Brown Cafe staff moderators ... can we trust ?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
BC means brown clothes!!

The day my hubby left, he gave away any clothing that was brown to Goodwill. That was in 2000 and he still steers clear of the "brown".
I look way too sharp in brown to ever completely remove it from my wardrobe.


Well-Known Member
I'll have forty years with the company tomorrow, I guess that doesn't mean anything, young man.

Ah come on Scratch will you please retire. You're starting to worry me. You're not one of those guys
whose afraid he won't know what to do are ya? You're too wise for that. Unless it's a health insurance problem,
then I understand.


Well-Known Member
The last thing I will want to do when I retire is talk shop.
How many times have you already left and came back. You won't be able to stay away, guaranteed. I've been out 7 years and I still come on here just to keep up
with what is going on. I never would have known about this pension mess if it wasn't for this site. And talking to some guys this weekend that are still working they haven't heard a thing about it. I'm more informed than the guys who are still working because of this site.
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Orion inc.

I like turtles
Explain the relevance in posting this?

Retirees are more than welcome! We need them here to counter the absurd idea that they don't belong.

Get over it or follow your own advice and retire early. :P
I like the insight of retirees. It shows where we've been and the direction we are heading. I learned more from the old timers coming up than any sup or training materials.

Gumby said it right. Gives us hope to the light at the end.