I was wondering if anyone knows how I would get the phone number to contact the Union? I have been looking everywhere and can't seem to find anything, if anyone can help me I'd appreciate it.
find out what local you belong to and from there you can do a google search and find it...i'm sure they have a website. If not then your shop steward/ yellow pages.
No. What should I look for? The Barak Obama ads? So every Teamster that pays dues that supports Obama's campaign is voting for Obama? Say I was a Teamster that was also a gun-loving religious republican as B Hussein Obama calls us, could I opt out of paying dues so I didn't have my money supporting a candidate that I did not support?
No. What should I look for? The Barak Obama ads? So every Teamster that pays dues that supports Obama's campaign is voting for Obama? Say I was a Teamster that was also a gun-loving religious republican as B Hussein Obama calls us, could I opt out of paying dues so I didn't have my money supporting a candidate that I did not support?
No. What should I look for? The Barak Obama ads? So every Teamster that pays dues that supports Obama's campaign is voting for Obama? Say I was a Teamster that was also a gun-loving religious republican as B Hussein Obama calls us, could I opt out of paying dues so I didn't have my money supporting a candidate that I did not support?
Kinda hard to really get behind McCain. Do we have a "Teamsters Against Obama" group? McCain would not be my 1st choice, but he sure beats Barak (I am gonna raise your taxes) Obama. Just think, higher fuel costs and less money too. What a man. Loves us working types.