Can HR force us to communicate through email only?

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
All of your communications are through Email ?

It doesn't.
Ok. Fair enough.

Now, we do TONS of stuff that isn't mentioned or written ANYWHERE.....

If so........what exactly does that mean? It can be disregarded? We don't have to do it? etc......

Please explain. Serious questions...Please.

quad decade guy

Well-Known Member
The OP is asking why more things haven’t been in person. Do you really not see a correlation between in-person and switching to more of a virtual way of doing things after the whole country was locked down, and after? Do you need a bigger sign?
As always...these threads go off the rails....

When we had HR actual people(that you could visit in person....) problems could be resolved before bigger problems arose.

IF he could have followed up in person, perhaps he wouldn't have dq'd?

It's comical how this devolved into racism and anti-vaxing.