Does UPS pay for the Remembrance Day holiday that fell on a Monday this year? I have been hearing some stuff at work from some people that claim that they are missing some hours, and they that the hours they are missing are for the monday which we had off because of the holiday. Another that I had chat to told me that he had talked to the Human Resource person, and that they had mentioned that UPS did not pay for the Monday that we had off because Remembrance Day is not a nationally recognized holiday. I was at the Canada Human Resources website and it states differently, its an Act from 2000, I am thinking maybe the preloader got it wrong or that maybe UPS is trying to get out of paying us the holiday that we should have got paid for. I am going to ask for a time card printout for that week in question and as well as bring in the HRC PDF print out stating which holidays are on the national level. If this turns out to be true, then should I go to the union or just let them take care of it?