Chick Fil A


Well-Known Member
It's about free speech......did you watch the clip of the Paramus Mall and the gay couple supporting Chick-Fil-A ?? We may disagree, but it's about each individual's right to free speech whether we agree with them or not.
What charity they choose to support is none of our business and they have a right to give money where they want..
A private entity can give their money where they want. You think you'd be more upset about
how much money our own gov't spends on Planned Parenthood whether I'm OK with abortion or not???

Even Whoopi agrees on free speech.


Four hours in the mod queue for a news link
It's not a Free Speech issue at all. A group disagrees with a companies actions and calls for a boycott. You're allowed to do that.

You want to be 'christian'? Donate what you would have spent on a greasy chicken sandwich and some fries you most likely don't need, let alone the soda, to a homeless shelter. You know, like Jesus said to do.


Staff member
You want to be 'christian'? Donate what you would have spent on a greasy chicken sandwich and some fries you most likely don't need, let alone the soda, to a homeless shelter. You know, like Jesus said to do.
The hell with that. Let them pay for their own chicken.


Least Best Moderator
Staff member
You want to be 'christian'? Donate what you would have spent on a greasy chicken sandwich and some fries you most likely don't need, let alone the soda, to a homeless shelter. You know, like Jesus said to do.

And who do you think runs homeless shelters and gives out free food to the needy? Not the government. I have been involved for years doing just this. We gave out food to 180 local families at a local food pantry ran by local churches today that my wife and I volunteer at. We also got shelter for a homeless elderly couple that was living in their car. Not the government, you wouldn't believe the red tape involved when you give out free food to needy people.


Well-Known Member
And who do you think runs homeless shelters and gives out free food to the needy? Not the government. I have been involved for years doing just this. We gave out food to 180 local families at a local food pantry ran by local churches today that my wife and I volunteer at. We also got shelter for a homeless elderly couple that was living in their car. Not the government, you wouldn't believe the red tape involved when you give out free food to needy people.

This may come as a surprise but Sam's Clubs does a lot to help out our local food pantry. Every morning a van from the JCEO is backed up to the receiving door at Sam's loading close to expiration date baked goods and other food items.


golden ticket member
This may come as a surprise but Sam's Clubs does a lot to help out our local food pantry. Every morning a van from the JCEO is backed up to the receiving door at Sam's loading close to expiration date baked goods and other food items.

That happens at every grocery store here and I see the guy who volunteers to do it everyday.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
I support the 1st amendment and I agree that he has the right to express his beliefs, just as I have the right to call him out for being the hypocritical bigot that he is.

I guess that anyone can be a bigot or hypocrite if you decide to twist and mutilate the definition to fit your terms.

Chick-Fil-A has a discrimination policy and there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that the company discriminates against gays or anyone else for that matter.

It is appalling how some on the left demean and demonize Christians and Tea Party folks in the name of protecting certain classes of people from hatred and bigotry.

Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Washington DC, all have mayors who would crush our rights if they could.

Who is the real hypocrite and bigot here?

As a side note, before any of the BS came up... I understand what it takes to be a "World Class Service" provider and that expertise has led me to admire the work ethic and customer service of all Chick-Fil-A employees. This company is the benchmark of World Class Service - bar none!


Nine Lives
This company is the benchmark of World Class Service - bar none!

Without a doubt, Chick-fil-A has the most courteous servers and very helpful too.
I remember it feeling almost "creepy" how nice they are and consistently from store to store.
I don't go to Chick-fil-A anymore since my work location was changed about a year ago.


Engorged Member
I guess that anyone can be a bigot or hypocrite if you decide to twist and mutilate the definition to fit your terms.

Chick-Fil-A has a discrimination policy and there is ABSOLUTELY no evidence that the company discriminates against gays or anyone else for that matter.

It is appalling how some on the left demean and demonize Christians and Tea Party folks in the name of protecting certain classes of people from hatred and bigotry.

Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, Washington DC, all have mayors who would crush our rights if they could.

Who is the real hypocrite and bigot here?

As a side note, before any of the BS came up... I understand what it takes to be a "World Class Service" provider and that expertise has led me to admire the work ethic and customer service of all Chick-Fil-A employees. This company is the benchmark of World Class Service - bar none!

Why did the CFA CEO feel the need to shoot off his mouth in the first place? What makes him an authority on gay marriage/rights? Sure, he has free speech, but so does everyone else last time I checked. So, if I, or anyone else, wishes to disagree with Mr. CFA....we can, and you shouldn't have an issue with it.

I'm positive there are lots of homosexuals in CFA upper management positions and that being gay at CFA has no negative implications.


Engorged Member
It's not a Free Speech issue at all. A group disagrees with a companies actions and calls for a boycott. You're allowed to do that.

You want to be 'christian'? Donate what you would have spent on a greasy chicken sandwich and some fries you most likely don't need, let alone the soda, to a homeless shelter. You know, like Jesus said to do.

What Jesus said to do has little to do with the Religious Right. Jesus was all about forgiveness and acceptance, while the RR is all about hate and exclusion. No wonder so many people are turning-off from organized religion.


golden ticket member
What Jesus said to do has little to do with the Religious Right. Jesus was all about forgiveness and acceptance, while the RR is all about hate and exclusion. No wonder so many people are turning-off from organized religion.
If Jesus is about fogiveness and acceptance He would certainly accept the right of people to voice a different view.


Für Meno :)
Whats the big harm if gays can legally marry ?
Would it bother you or anyone else ?

What other people do is up to them.
I don't think I would even discourage any marriage, whether gay or "normal" if it was a close relative or friend of mine, even if I had bad thoughts about it.

I could care less if I lived next door to a gay couple, or a married gay couple. I would probably prefer if they were married actually.


Nine Lives
Whats the big harm if gays can legally marry ?
Would it bother you or anyone else ?

What other people do is up to them.
I don't think I would even discourage any marriage, whether gay or "normal" if it was a close relative or friend of mine, even if I had bad thoughts about it.

I could care less if I lived next door to a gay couple, or a married gay couple. I would probably prefer if they were married actually.

Wouldn't bother me either way.
This problem only occurred when the government got involved.

UPS Lifer

Well-Known Member
Why did the CFA CEO feel the need to shoot off his mouth in the first place? What makes him an authority on gay marriage/rights? Sure, he has free speech, but so does everyone else last time I checked. So, if I, or anyone else, wishes to disagree with Mr. CFA....we can, and you shouldn't have an issue with it.

I'm positive there are lots of homosexuals in CFA upper management positions and that being gay at CFA has no negative implications.

You and other kool-aid drinkers don't get it! The owner never bashed gays AT ALL!! I actually think that his religious beliefs makes him worry for their "eternal happiness" and God's wrath. IMO - this guy does not have a hateful bone in his body. I could be wrong. It is just a feeling I have...

If you want to love the same sex that is your decision. He didn't ban gays from Chick-Fil-A or is he trying to suppress their rights.

Kool-aid people twist the statement made to bring out their own hateful feelings and make it fit what they want it to fit to demean the CEO's beliefs and suppress his 1st amendment rights. It is another way to discount what he says.

This person believes in traditional marriage. He believes that is what God believes. That is his right. His interview was with a religious publication, not like some of the mayors who have the bully pulpit of the city of Chicago, Boston, San Francisco, DC, etc.

The Kool-aid drinkers or "protectors" of the gay cause are doing more harm than good for the gay rights movement. Your hate rears it's ugly head when you lash out against someone who did not make a hateful comment. Supporting traditional marriage is not hateful.

Reasonable Americans understand that there was no intent to harm gays but the backlash from some on the left caused people to come out including many in the gay & lesbian community.


Well-Known Member
If you want to love the same sex that is your decision. He didn't ban gays from Chick-Fil-A or is he trying to suppress their rights.

Except for the millions Chick-Fil-A has donated to anti-gay organizations.

Again, his organization can donate to whomever they want, but it's disingenuous to say that he isn't trying to suppress gay rights.


Staff member
Would Fred S make a comment on gay marriage? Bill Gates? How about on women's rights or civil rights in general? The Bible does have alot to say on the role of women. When will those flood gates be opened. Preach the Gospel corporate priests, preach it all!


golden ticket member
..........."Would Fred S make a comment on gay marriage? Bill Gates?

They might if they were asked the question.