Chris Christie Says Capitol Riot 'Driven From the Top'


IE boogeyman
"Fox News hosts and executives hold their audience in complete contempt. They despise them. The disrespect shown to the audience is unprecedented in broadcast history. The lying is ceaseless and every word is delivered with blind faith that the audience is stupid and oblivious."

Steve Schmidt
Party: Democratic Party
Organization founded: The Lincoln Project

hmmmm, seems like a trustworthy guy..



IE boogeyman
exactly WHEN did he become a RINO? He was one of Trump's closest advisors during Trump's single term
Well first off Trump was never really much of a Republican as he was a POPULIST running under the Republican name; at his heart he was always a NY liberal, as he's been for decades

Second, Christie is basically cut from the same cloth, but with less populism, so he can be rightfully called a RINO and still be a Trump supporter, they're not exclusive


Please remove my account. This forum sucks.
Well first off Trump was never really much of a Republican as he was a POPULIST running under the Republican name; at his heart he was always a NY liberal, as he's been for decades

Second, Christie is basically cut from the same cloth, but with less populism, so he can be rightfully called a RINO and still be a Trump supporter, they're not exclusive
Incorrect. He may have been at one point but is FAR from a NY liberal.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Outside of the Washington d c beltway nobody cares about the j6 committee and what their doing, it is just there to prevent trump from running again because they know biden is toast and rino republicans are also afraid of another trump presidency. The j6 is committee is just like the access Hollywood tape, nobody cares and they cant figure out how to beat the guy


Well-Known Member
As usual, one day, the truth will come out. Then people will see that the democrats incited this event. There were several liberal plants in the crowd January 6th but, of course, we don't hear anything about this. Any time there is a protest from the right there will be liberals planted inside trying to incite the violence. If you deny this then you refuse to see truth.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
If you're so convinced of that then why didn't you file a request to testify in front of the 1-6 congressional select committee back in July when the hearings were held? Once again, when it comes to matters of such historic national importance you cannot simply go in front of a judge or Congress armed with nothing but a bunch of wild claims and conspiracy theories that you cannot support with the required corroborated proof.

You saw what happened to Alex Jones and his Sandy Hook conspiracy theories and you saw what happened to Steve Bannon when he tried to make a mockery out of Congress.


Inordinately Right
Once again, when it comes to matters of such historic national importance you cannot simply go in front of a judge or Congress armed with nothing but a bunch of wild claims and conspiracy theories that you cannot support with the required corroborated proof.
SMH, people like you literally just supported two impeachments that did exactly that.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
If you're so convinced of that then why didn't you file a request to testify in front of the 1-6 congressional select committee back in July when the hearings were held? Once again, when it comes to matters of such historic national importance you cannot simply go in front of a judge or Congress armed with nothing but a bunch of wild claims and conspiracy theories that you cannot support with the required corroborated proof.

You saw what happened to Alex Jones and his Sandy Hook conspiracy theories and you saw what happened to Steve Bannon when he tried to make a mockery out of Congress.
Tell me why the government wont make the documents and files public like bannon wants in his contempt case


IE boogeyman
As usual, one day, the truth will come out. Then people will see that the democrats incited this event. There were several liberal plants in the crowd January 6th but, of course, we don't hear anything about this. Any time there is a protest from the right there will be liberals planted inside trying to incite the violence. If you deny this then you refuse to see truth.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
jan 6 was a big nothing, but you are totally off your meds if you think it was a false flag style instigated event

conservatives got rused into getting worked up over a "stolen" election and a bunch of rubes got riled into storming the capital, simple as

was it an insurrection or a serious threat to democracy? lol no
was it instigated by dems? lol no


Well-Known Member
I truly love it when your side says" well Trump may have done this ,but Pelosi did THAT!" as if that somehow dismisses the Felony Trump may have committed. Thats just weak
The felony he MAY have committed? We know what Pelosi did so enlighten us to what exactly Trump said or did that was actually impeachable instead of another fishing expedition.


All Trash No Trailer
I find it more than hysterical how Fox News Hosts Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity and Brian Kilmeade ALL texted Mark Meadows to have 45 end the insurrection:
"Mark, the president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home. This is hurting all of us. He is destroying his legacy," Ingraham texted Meadows, as read by Cheney.

"Please get him on TV. Destroying everything you have accomplished," Kilmeade wrote to Meadows, according to the committee.

"Can he make a statement? Ask people to leave the Capitol?" Hannity asked, Cheney revealed.

And then they had the stones to go on air and blame Antifa and BLM for the Insurrection. Gotta love these racist folks

Antifa!!!! gotta be Antifa!!! You cultists are getting PLAYED