Civil War II: How Do You Want It To End?


Well-Known Member
Mighty big agenda you got there. How long will it take to accomplish all that? Looks like about two centuries if you hurry.
hey we live in the latter:

"There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen"--Vladimir Ilyich Lenin


Well-Known Member
For all of the investigations that republicans have run and gotten nothing…

Let’s just say at least the left really does bring substance to their accusations.
I delivered to John Deere in East Moline Thursday. That's some serious heat and humidity y'all have in that area.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Mighty big agenda you got there. How long will it take to accomplish all that? Looks like about two centuries if you hurry.
Uhh, did you read the subject of the thread? Most of that is just cutting bloat. Step one: win the hypothetical war. Step 2: tell them this is how it's gonna be.


Well-Known Member
Uhh, did you read the subject of the thread? Most of that is just cutting bloat. Step one: win the hypothetical war. Step 2: tell them this is how it's gonna be.
And just who is going to tell who how it's going to be , just exactly what is "how" and in what manner will it be implemented and enforced?


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
And just who is going to tell who how it's going to be , just exactly what is "how" and in what manner will it be implemented and enforced?
JFC. The thread asks how you WANT it to end should a hypothetical civil war go down. I would WANT all that :censored2: I listed to happen after it was over. Is it really that hard to understand? And we're talking about a war, not some act of diplomacy. The victor would declare all that bull:censored2: null and void and tell them to GTFO because the entity they once worked for no longer exists. Then implement the new changes and additions (even though most of what I listed is just getting rid of stuff and there is very little getting added). Kinda like how the U.S. "spreads democracy" to the Middle East.


Well-Known Member
JFC. The thread asks how you WANT it to end should a hypothetical civil war go down. I would WANT all that :censored2: I listed to happen after it was over. Is it really that hard to understand? And we're talking about a war, not some act of diplomacy. The victor would declare all that bull:censored2: null and void and tell them to GTFO because the entity they once worked for no longer exists. Then implement the new changes and additions (even though most of what I listed is just getting rid of stuff and there is very little getting added). Kinda like how the U.S. "spreads democracy" to the Middle East.
I see what your saying. You want somebody else's family to spill it's blood....not yours.
So what do you consider to be acceptable to combat losses both soldier and civilian resulting from your little civil war?
We had over 410,000 killed in WWII out of a country of only 132 million.
We had over 600,000 killed in the American Civil War out of a population of only 27 million.
Starting a civil war is easy. Getting one to stop is not.
If anything ramps up internal tensions here in the US it could be climatological and or technological.
Increasing parts of the country become unlivable. Too much heat, too much drought, too many floods, too many tornados, too many hurricanes ,Too many public health crises due to too many infrastructure and healthcare system failures too many jobs eliminated by artificial intelligence.


Well-Known Member
I delivered to John Deere in East Moline Thursday. That's some serious heat and humidity y'all have in that area.

Corn sweats. Always happens late summer in the Midwest.



Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
I see what your saying.
Obviously you don't.

You want somebody else's family to spill it's blood....not yours.
I said nothing indicative one way or the other. I answered what the thread asked and elaborated with nothing more.

So what do you consider to be acceptable to combat losses both soldier and civilian resulting from your little civil war?
"My" little civil war. Lmfao. Give it up, fedboi. Everyone knows what you're trying to do here. Get lost.

Brown Circus

Shh...It’s peak and I’m hunting logic
I don’t know of a good outcome that is possible but I want what I worked my ass off my entire life for to stay mine and I want the Government to leave me the hell alone!


Well-Known Member
Obviously you don't.

I said nothing indicative one way or the other. I answered what the thread asked and elaborated with nothing more.

"My" little civil war. Lmfao. Give it up, fedboi. Everyone knows what you're trying to do here. Get lost.
Judging by your comments it would appear that what you secretly yearn for a nation that a white dominated, segregated, religious theocracy under the thumb of an autocratic president for life.
If that is what you seek might I suggest Belarus. It has everything you're looking for because you will not find it in today's America. It is a nation that has become too socially complex and diverse and you nor I are going to change that reality.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
Judging by your comments it would appear that what you secretly yearn for a nation that a white dominated, segregated, religious theocracy under the thumb of an autocratic president for life.
If that is what you seek might I suggest Belarus. It has everything you're looking for because you will not find it in today's America. It is a nation that has become too socially complex and diverse and you nor I are going to change that reality.
You're not a very good judge. Especially if you think I yearn for any kind of politician.


Well-Known Member
Judging by your comments it would appear that what you secretly yearn for a nation that a white dominated, segregated, religious theocracy under the thumb of an autocratic president for life.
If that is what you seek might I suggest Belarus. It has everything you're looking for because you will not find it in today's America. It is a nation that has become too socially complex and diverse and you nor I are going to change that reality.
Yeah, yeah, look at the Republican debate. Included 2 Indian-Americans and a black Senator. Meanwhile the Dems elected a geriatric white man. Physician, heal thyself.


Inordinately Right
Obviously you don't.

I said nothing indicative one way or the other. I answered what the thread asked and elaborated with nothing more.

"My" little civil war. Lmfao. Give it up, fedboi. Everyone knows what you're trying to do here. Get lost.
Just tell her to skip to the part where she bitches and moans about Medicare and vantexan's medical bills. It's how every conversation ends up with her.


Inordinately Right
Judging by your comments it would appear that what you secretly yearn for a nation that a white dominated, segregated, religious theocracy under the thumb of an autocratic president for life.
Why are you people so obsessed with race?
Makes you look kind of racist.
Just so you know.


Inordinately Right
Imagine reading this:
Abolish the FBI, CIA, ATF, NSA, DHS, IRS, EPA, Federal Reserve, Department of Energy, and Department of Health, leave NATO, leave the United Nations, end federal income tax, end the Social Security program, end the welfare state, repeal all gun control bills put in place after 1791, end the political party system, and place strict term and age limits on congress and the presidency and well as require regular cognitive tests for them and reduce the pay and cut all additional benefits from the job.

And your take away is this:
Judging by your comments it would appear that what you secretly yearn for a nation that a white dominated, segregated, religious theocracy

How do you even come to such a bizarre conclusion? Not even remotely what he said at all. So bizarre.