Cloward-Pivan Strategy of Orchestrated Crisis


Strength through joy
This strategy's goal is to cause a capitalist system to collapse thru a series
of escalating demands that can/could never be met.
(1) Take an existing social program, add so many new members that the system is at its breaking point.
(2) those that are now dependent upon this program can not get what was promised them, thus they would riot & create chaos.
(3) A new order could be established
We have already seen this in action ; ACCORN's voter fraud. They flooded the voter rolls with dead people, the same names over & over, etc.
If "We the People" don't wake up, we will see this again.
The messiah is using this strategy today.
According to him ( and only him )
Everything today is a crisis; the banks, the insurance companies, the auto companies, climate control, energy, healthcare,and soon imigration.
This strategy's goal is to cause a capitalist system to collapse thru a series
of escalating demands that can/could never be met.
(1) Take an existing social program, add so many new members that the system is at its breaking point.
(2) those that are now dependent upon this program can not get what was promised them, thus they would riot & create chaos.
(3) A new order could be established
We have already seen this in action ; ACCORN's voter fraud. They flooded the voter rolls with dead people, the same names over & over, etc.
If "We the People" don't wake up, we will see this again.
The messiah is using this strategy today.
According to him ( and only him )
Everything today is a crisis; the banks, the insurance companies, the auto companies, climate control, energy, healthcare,and soon imigration.
Isn't I called voting a Democrat into office?