The college routes aren't really routes at all because most of them only have three stops. Central Recieving, Book Store, and the cafeteria are the typical stops. Your rear door left, right, and sometimes middle, will be bulked out with all three. Sometimes the preloader can seperate them and sometimes not. During the summer is the best time because there isn't much comming in but right about now (late July/Early August) the rear of your truck will be slammed. One thing that sucks about delivering colleges is that many of them have a certain time frame that the Central Recieving dock must be delivered. Ours, for example, is supposed to be delivered between 9:30-11:00 with NDAs and EAMs being the exception but you might as well wait until you deliver the bulk unless you want to go there twice. The most frustrating thing is when there are NDAs, or even worse...EAMs, for Central Recieving. The people working the dock there don't even deliver them until after lunch so what's the point?